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Skin terribly greasy

Posted: Tue Jul 14, 2020 9:13 am
by Guest Posts
When I was a teenager and up until my 30's I suffered from terrible acne. I am now 56 and am still getting the odd few spots, recently though I've been getting them on the side of my neck and around my jawline. Also my skin has gone terribly greasy which I can't really account for. I think I may be going through the menopause but difficult to say as I have had a contraceptive implant for a couple of years. I use make up remover when on the odd occasion I wear makeup and have bought a charcoal face wash to see if this improves matters. Hope your able to help.
Thank you. Di

Re: Skin terribly greasy

Posted: Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:13 pm
by Dr Emma Wedgeworth
Hi Di,
Sorry to hear you're suffering with your skin again.

I think you're right and your hormones may be relevant. Around the time of the menopause, oestrogen levels start to fall, so relatively the levels of male hormones (androgens) are higher. This can increase spots and make skin more oily. Progesterone-impregnanted implants (like the Mirena coil) can also on occasion increase spot frequency. I definitely think it would be worth speaking to your doctor about checking your hormone levels to see if there are any relevant changes.

Meanwhile, ensure you're skin care is as light and non-comedogenic (non-pore blocking) as possible. Try a cleanser with salicylic acid and think about adding in a vitamin A based cream (a retinoid). Both of these ingredients can help regulate the sebaceous gland, which is the gland in the skin responsible for oil production. Keep moisturisers and foundations a light consistency.

Good luck and I hope that helps!