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Can LS affect the urethra or bladder?
Posted: Thu Jun 06, 2024 1:07 pm
by nixerella
I'm 50 and was diagnosed with LS via biopsy 6 months ago but have had symptoms for around 2 years. I sometimes have what feels like a very irritated itchy urethra and it is often (but not always) accompanied by frequent urination but no burning. I never test positive for a UTI and it doesn't really feel like one. I have been on topical and systemic HRT for 2 years but it still happens from time to time and I wondered whether it could be LS rather than lack of oestrogen?
Re: Can LS affect the urethra or bladder?
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 10:35 pm
by Dr Nevianna Bordet
Thank you for your post. Lichen sclerosis always stays on the outside - it affects only the vulval skin. There is a similar condition called lichen plants and this can affect patients internally - inside the vagina. However, I have not seen it in the bladder. The symptoms you describe may be due to lack of oestrogen as sometimes oestrogen pessaries or cream do not provide the amount needed and may be needed more frequently. Please see your doctor so that they can decide if your topical oestrogen needs to be increased.