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Weith Loss
Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 9:40 am
by tanavalla
Could someone please give me a health 7 day meal plan to wrok from. I have good will power but very little know how when it comes to making the right food choices. Thanks Lizzy
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:39 am
by SaraBiston
You can go for Water diet it may help you in lose weight. Eat Fresh fruits daily. Don't eat bulk at one time. eat small portion in small interval of time. Count your Calories taking per day. Drink plenty of water. If possible take green tea also. I hope these tips will help you to lose weight.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2012 7:45 pm
by dolphinseye2000k
Hello there.
I was the same and 3 weeks ago I joined slimming world via my GP I have lost 10lbs so far. Its a very easy to do and it seems to work well.
Look them up online or ask you GP if they could send you.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Thu Sep 13, 2012 2:19 pm
by metaslim
Drink luke warm lemon water early morning in empty stomach. Never drink water with food or immediately after food for at least one hour. Take fibrous diet, fruits, green vegetables & avoid eating outside food, junk & oily food. Do proper exercise & walk as much as you can.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Thu Oct 11, 2012 11:52 am
by kyle
metaslim wrote:Drink luke warm lemon water early morning in empty stomach. Never drink water with food or immediately after food for at least one hour. Take fibrous diet, fruits, green vegetables & avoid eating outside food, junk & oily food. Do proper exercise & walk as much as you can.
Motivation is the biggest weapon for me to lose a weight and to keep it off. Without motivation and proper guidance you can't really reach your goal. For me tracking my weight loss goal is the key success.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2012 11:16 am
by tanvirsojib
If you want permanent weight lose , why 7 day meal plan ? I have been working with weight lose issue from many days. I never prefer any crash diet program. it's true that you have to be selective on foods items and have to avoid some food item which are containing high fat, but it doesn't tell you to eat less and less. The best way to lose weight is exercise. Exercise will burn your extra weight so fast; you don't need any crash diet. Running is great weights lose exercise among all. So if you can mange a simple 30 min for exercise in the morning time. Start now. Remember Exercise is the fastest way to burn your fat. Thank you and good luck.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Wed Nov 21, 2012 7:42 am
by meronjonas
SaraBiston wrote:Hello,
You can go for Water diet it may help you in lose weight. Eat Fresh fruits daily. Don't eat bulk at one time. eat small portion in small interval of time. Count your Calories taking per day. Drink plenty of water. If possible take green tea also. I hope these tips will help you to lose weight.
I really appreciate to read this and this one really helps but I think when you plan to reduced your weight then you should considered all the part like food choice, routine exercise, diet plan. Not only take good food is enough but proper exercise plan is really helps to reduced your weight quickly.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Wed Apr 17, 2013 4:44 pm
by Adwerd007
According to my knowledge the simple and best way to weight loss is dieting and exercise. If you want to loss your weight you should concentrate to your diet. Make sure that you take low fat and carbs in your diet. Body wraps are also good treatment. But the most important thing is exercise and i think cycling and swimming are best for this purpose.
Re: Weith Loss
Posted: Mon Aug 05, 2013 8:04 am
by aramintaroxana
Some tips that help you to lose weight.
1 Drink plenty of water instead of fizzy drinks and fruit cordials
2.Avoid consumption of alcohol
3.Reduce the amount of sugar in tea and coffee. If possible, avoid tea and coffee
4.Do not eat red meat and eggs as it contains greater amount of fats and carbohydrates
5.Substitute the intake of whole milk for semi-skimmed and semi-skimmed for skimmed
Important Tip -According to many health professionals, skipping meal is a lousy way of losing pounds. It is because; if you skip your meal and you starve the body of healthy nutrients then you will get weight rather than lose it.