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talkhealth forums • Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...
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Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...

Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2014 12:12 am
by pepelou123
Having had both asthma and eczema for over twenty years, I now rarely get Troubled by them.
I had the eczema in all the usual places; neck, face, eye-lids, inside elbows etc, and was on all the usual
Steroid creams/moisturisers. I'm clear now and I did two things to achieve this. Firstly, I stopped using all forms of steroid treatment. I made sure I had a few weeks off work because I knew it would get worse before it got better and boy was I right. If you want this to work you have to go through the pain for at least the first 2/3 wks! Secondly, I changed my diet. Natural cereal, fruit and plenty of water. Also, I have Cous Cous for lunch everyday (boring I know) but the key thing is to change your habits and make sure you enjoy your new diet otherwise you may not stick with it.
My skin is pretty much perfect now and I'm looking absolutely gorgeous... I know, big headed but who cares!!!! My asthma started to massively improve and I was able, with help, to lower my steroid dose (seretide inhaler) from 500mg a day to 50mg a day.
Good luck everyone!!

Re: Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...

Posted: Wed May 07, 2014 3:33 pm
by sunny81
Excellent post pepelou!!

I am currently going through topical steroid withdrawal and you're right it does get worse before it gets better. I am looking to raise awareness for this. I am happy for you and the whole experience, I bet, has made you a stronger person!

Re: Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 4:47 am
by Marcie Mom
Hi there!

I've been hearing much about steroid withdrawal but I'm not sure if there is a clinical/medical basis for it..couldn't find much research in this area. I only see a selected few articles that a very small percentage of people are hypersensitive to certain ingredients in steroid cream, but this is not common. Do caution people not to jump into conclusion and self diagnose as steroid withdrawal and not treat the eczema. By all means do wet wrap, moisturize or even try a healthier diet when using steroid cream, but do take allergy test and see a specialist instead of self-diagnosing the triggers for your eczema, take care!


Re: Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...

Posted: Thu May 08, 2014 9:04 am
by sunny81

There has been alot of research with regards to topical steroid withdrawal. Dr Rapaport Dr Fukaya have concluded many clinical tests and written articles on topical steroid withdrawal.

There is alot of information out there backing up topical steroid withdrawal. Search Youtube for topical steroid withdrawal and you will see ALOT of video blogs of people going through the withdrawal and many have come out of the other end completely healed. Search google for the same and you will see ALOT of blogs/diaries..

I myself have been using topical steroids for around 30 years and on my 36th day of TSW looking better already (after some harsh flare ups). Yes there will be flares and they will calm, its all part of the process where your body gets used to producing its own natural corticosteroids.

If anyone requires more information, please visit itsan.org or please feel free to message me.

I am only spreading the word to ease the pain of other sufferers. ITSAN, myself, as well as many others are not looking for financial gains, page hits etc. We are just looking to spread awareness.

Re: Severe eczema for over 20yrs now gone...

Posted: Fri May 16, 2014 5:51 pm
by pepelou123
Hi sunny81,

I'm very happy you liked my blog. I'm still going strong and you're right, I do
feel so much stronger and confident now. My steroid intake for my asthma has improved
Massively. I only need to take my inhaler every 3/4 days (only 1puff, 50mg)!!!
I hope you're starting to see the benefits from your withdrawal??
Happy days and keep the faith !! X