Developed an Oat allergy? Should I avoid Gluten?
Posted: Tue Oct 08, 2019 7:27 am
Hey, so I’ve recently discovered that I’m allergic to oats after a few recents months I started developing symptoms... Oats were always a huge staple & a favourite for me. I had no idea allergies could be developed later in life - Maybe 3 months ago after I’d consume oats my skin would go all blotchy, itchy and I’d get a runny nose after eating oats. I never thought anything of it until my skin would get progressively blotchier, more itchy etc after eating (though theyd fade maybe after an hour or so).... so i started experimenting and eliminating foods to see exactly what was causing it, because I use to eat things like chia and flaxseed with my morning porridge, sometimes peanutbutter etc. Then the symptoms grew worse, I suspected I had developed a mild oat allergy but continued to eat them because porridge was just my favourite morning staple... then started getting mild stomach pains until one day after a big bowl of porridge, I literally felt like I was experiencing a mild heart attack & had shooting pains in my stomach. So been clean off the oats since then and had absolutely zero problems.
Since researching oat allergies, found out I’m probably sensitive to a protein called “avenin” which is apparently quite similar to proteins found in gluten (or something) - but I dont experience any troubling symptoms when I eat bread or pasta (granted I dont eat them often) - but I was wondeeing if its best to avoid gluten if I have an oat allergy in case a similar thing happens where I start developing symptoms after a longer period of time? I guess you generally cant tell if something’s attacking your immune system until your body starts warning you....
Since researching oat allergies, found out I’m probably sensitive to a protein called “avenin” which is apparently quite similar to proteins found in gluten (or something) - but I dont experience any troubling symptoms when I eat bread or pasta (granted I dont eat them often) - but I was wondeeing if its best to avoid gluten if I have an oat allergy in case a similar thing happens where I start developing symptoms after a longer period of time? I guess you generally cant tell if something’s attacking your immune system until your body starts warning you....