Addaction are a national drug and alcohol treatment charity. We help individuals and their families recover from their drug and alcohol problems by making sure they have access to the best services and support that will enable them to changes their lives and unlock their full potential.
Our service users are at the heart of everything we do and recovery for all our service users is our ultimate ambition. Our overarching aim is to put service users in charge of their lives and at the heart of our organisation. We want to ensure that our service users have a leading role every step of the way – whether it is about their own treatment journey, their local service or Addaction as a whole. However, we know that this will require a different range of interventions for different people; this is why we offer such a wide range of services.
Addaction help around 43,000 services users a year, in 117 different locations across England and Scotland, delivering dedicated treatment services.
One of Addaction’s aims is to prevent people from getting involved in drugs and alcohol, we do this through our education and prevention work with family and children’s workers and in schools with teachers and pupils.
Addaction’s History
Addaction was formed in 1967 by a woman called Mollie Craven who was struggling through addiction in her family. Mollies son was a registered heroin addict at the age of 18. Determined to make a difference and help other people in her situation, Mollie set up a support group for parents called The Association of Parents of Addicts (APA). In 1997 we rebranded and have been known as Addaction ever since. Due to our history, once of our central missions has always been to support families on the road to recovery.
Our Support and Information
Addaction provide many different forms of treatment, information and support. We recognise that there is no ‘one size fits all’ approach to helping people recover from drug and alcohol addictions. That is why we have designed a diverse range of services that aim to meet the needs of the individual and their family.
You can find out more about Addaction and the work we do through:
Our website and service finder
Our Twitter page
Charity No: 1001957