Debby Holloway
Debby Holloway is a Nurse Consultant in gynaecology at Guys and St. Thomas’ NHS Foundation Trust. Her current clinical caseload is one-stop outpatient procedure clinics, mainly outpatient hysteroscopy. The clinic that she runs sees women who have bleeding problems, problems with IUS, cervical polyps and Post Menopausal bleeding. She has also trained another 2 nurses in outpatient hysteroscopy and manages this team of nurses as well as the other Clinical Nurse specialists within the gynaecology department.
Other clinics include menopause, jointly run with Professor Rymer which includes clinics for women with natural menopause, early menopause and menopause after cancer. she regularly speaks to women with breast cancer on a moving forward course in relation to menopause. In addition she has a joint clinic in the haemophilia centre for women with bleeding disorders and gynaecology problems such as Von Willibrands disease, this is run in conjunction with a consultant haematologist.
Debby is the deputy module lead for the gynaecology nursing course at KCL, for which she organises this, teaches and marks the assignments. She has also published both books and articles in relation to women’s health.
Her background is in gynaecology nursing, where she has held a number of posts from staff nurse to Clinical Nurse Manager, before returning to this clinical role.
Debby is currently the chair of the RCN women’s health forum and through this has had many publications and conferences, most recently produced guidance on the role of the CNS in endometriosis as well as a fact sheet for non women’s health nurses to highlight this condition and run 2 workshops for the CNS’s last year to explore the complex and difficult role. In 2016 Debby received an honorary fellowship to the RCOG, the first nurse to receive this.