Dr Kostas Agath
Kostas is the Medical Director of Addaction. He leads the Clinical and Social Governance Directorate and is committed to continuous improvement and development of the Addaction treatment & recovery services.
He is an Addictions Consultant Psychiatrist who read Medicine and Sociology in Greece and then trained in Psychiatry in the UK (at the schemes of St George’s Hospital and South London and Maudsley NHS Trusts).
He is interested in Leadership, Clinical Governance & Performance Management, Training & Workforce Development, Partnership & Interagency Working, User & Carer Involvement, Dual Diagnosis, and International Psychiatry. His ongoing PhD research study addresses the ‘Optimisation of Health Service Configuration”.
He has pursued his interests through extensive teaching, focused research involvement and by serving in numerous local and national steering groups and executive committees.
He is a Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists where he served in numerous groups: CPD Executive Committee (member); Dual Diagnosis Group (Co-chair); Addiction Service User and Carer Involvement group (member).
Currently he sits on the London Division of Royal College of Psychiatrists (Financial Officer); Addictions Faculty Executive Committee (member); and he is the North West London Regional Representative of the Addictions Faculty.
He has served two elected terms as the Medical Governor and the Lead Governor of the CNWL NHS Foundation Trust. Kostas has also been actively involved with international initiatives promoting substance misuse services in developing countries such as Kenya and Zambia.
Occasionally a hopeless romantic (an Arsenal fan!), he enjoys listening to music, watching films and debating – true to being a Greek he occasionally lets other people speak too!