Expert clinic on Stress & Sleep
talkhealth teamed up with The Sleep Charity to offer an online expert clinic on Stress & Sleep. Whether it's increased workload, changes to your routine or new challenges in life, we are all prone to getting stressed at some point. Despite the fact that lots of people treat stress as a normal part of life these days, it can have a significant impact on your wellbeing. One of the key things it can affect is your sleep - there is loads of evidence to show that if you are stressed, the length and quality of your shut-eye is significantly reduced.
Supporting partner
The Sleep Charity
The Sleep Charity is involved with research projects nationally and internationally, innovative partnership projects and offers accredited training, online and face-to-face for parents and professionals around sleep issues including training NHS staff to deliver sleep services. It campaigns to raise awareness of the importance of a good night’s sleep to health and wellbeing and provides helpful advice and support on how to improve sleep. The Sleep Charity has been awarded numerous awards and recently won the prestigious Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.