Search found 10 matches

Search found 10 matches
by thugtomas
Wed Oct 05, 2022 5:45 am
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: Body exfoliation
Replies: 2
Views: 8064

Body exfoliation

Body Exfoliation removes dead skin cells from the outer layers of the skin. It can be beneficial for removing dry or dull skin, increasing blood circulation, and brightening and improving your skin's appearance.
by thugtomas
Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:42 pm
Forum: general discussions
Topic: Can foods help in improving mental health ?
Replies: 13
Views: 41750

Re: Can foods help in improving mental health ?

When you stick to a diet of healthy food, you're setting yourself up for fewer mood fluctuations, an overall happier outlook and an improved ability to focus, Dr. Cora says. Studies have even found that healthy diets can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety.
by thugtomas
Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:30 pm
Forum: general discussions
Topic: Can foods help in improving mental health ?
Replies: 13
Views: 41750

Re: Can foods help in improving mental health ?

When you stick to a diet of healthy food, you're setting yourself up for fewer mood fluctuations, an overall happier outlook and an improved ability to focus, Dr. Cora says. Studies have even found that healthy diets can help with symptoms of depression and anxiety.
by thugtomas
Mon Sep 26, 2022 2:26 pm
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: How can I increase my weight
Replies: 24
Views: 33668

Re: How can I increase my weight

This means: Eating at least 5 portions of a variety of fruit and vegetables every day. Basing meals on potatoes, bread, rice, pasta or other starchy carbohydrates. ... Having some dairy or dairy alternatives (such as soya drinks and yoghurts). ... Eating some beans, pulses, fish, eggs, meat and othe...
by thugtomas
Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:20 am
Forum: hair loss
Topic: chronic tonsillitis and hair loss?
Replies: 2
Views: 13852

Re: chronic tonsillitis and hair loss?

A chronic tonsillitis may lead to a permanent sore throat, bad breath, and constantly enlarged lymph nodes on the neck.
by thugtomas
Thu Sep 22, 2022 11:18 am
Forum: general bowel discussions
Topic: Are these intestinal flukes???
Replies: 4
Views: 22166

Re: Are these intestinal flukes???

Flukes that cause schistosomiasis, paragonimiasis, fascioliasis, clonorchiasis, and opisthorchiasis are included in the World Health
by thugtomas
Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:35 pm
Forum: general bowel discussions
Topic: Are these intestinal flukes???
Replies: 4
Views: 22166

Re: Are these intestinal flukes???

Flukes that cause schistosomiasis, paragonimiasis, fascioliasis, clonorchiasis, and opisthorchiasis are included in the World Health
by thugtomas
Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:34 pm
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: Is their any helpful thing to overcome my dent in head issue?
Replies: 3
Views: 10357

Re: Is their any helpful thing to overcome my dent in head issue?

In some cases, such as in basal skull fractures, medication to manage pain may be all that's needed. Although narcotics may sometimes be necessary
by thugtomas
Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:37 pm
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: How to get rid of tension stitches?
Replies: 1
Views: 8482

Re: How to get rid of tension stitches?

Reducing tension across such wounds aims to improve primary wound closure, reduce the risk of wound failure by relieving tension on stitches
by thugtomas
Tue Sep 20, 2022 1:37 pm
Forum: general health discussion
Topic: How to Reduce weight
Replies: 49
Views: 131508

Re: How to Reduce weight

12 tips to help you lose weight

Do not skip breakfast. Skipping breakfast will not help you lose weight. ...
Eat regular meals. ...
Eat plenty of fruit and veg. ...
Get more active. ...
Drink plenty of water. ...
Eat high-fibre foods. ...
Read food labels. ...
Use a smaller plate.
Search found 10 matches