Search found 7 matches

Search found 7 matches
by Paulapip
Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:48 am
Forum: babies and children with eczema
Topic: Finding the cause
Replies: 3
Views: 23513

Re: Finding the cause

I feel exactly the same way, in fact just posted round about the same issue. My son is now 11, his eczema started when he was introduced to dairy when he was 6months old. We changed to Soya and that when the big issues started. With the help of Great Ormond street his eczema was maintained by the ag...
by Paulapip
Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:17 am
Forum: babies and children with eczema
Topic: My child’s eczema has come back age 11
Replies: 5
Views: 17346

My child’s eczema has come back age 11

It’s 3am and for the last 8 weeks i’ve been up at this hour, smothering my 11 year old in Diprobase cream for the 3 time during the night. We’ve had a long running eczema journey, which started from when he was 6 month old, to when he was 4 and eczema free from the fabulous help of Great Ormond stre...
by Paulapip
Mon Aug 08, 2011 12:36 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: Can anyone recommend a emollient to use in this hot weather?
Replies: 9
Views: 14501

Re: Can anyone recommend a emollient to use in this hot weat

thank you all for your advice, becky ,funny enough i have the 50/50 paffin wax in my colection of creams, so i will try that next time the weather gets hot and sticky, I'm normally really good at remember which creams work best, but when the weather changes its like ahhhhhhhhhh which one?, We'll all...
by Paulapip
Wed Aug 03, 2011 1:12 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: Can anyone recommend a emollient to use in this hot weather?
Replies: 9
Views: 14501

Can anyone recommend a emollient to use in this hot weather?

Hi all I'm hitting my head agaist a brick wall over which creams or emollients to use in this sweaty heat for my 3 year old son? We have been given endless amounts of cream and ointments to try from the dermalogy dept and none seem to help his skin. this is the list so far Aveeno- good but endless a...
by Paulapip
Mon Aug 01, 2011 3:22 pm
Forum: babies and children with eczema
Topic: Worried about flare up after Prednisolone
Replies: 6
Views: 29541

Re: Worried about flare up after Prednisolone

Hi Stacey I'm in the same boat for my 2 nearly 3 year old. He's always had a small tiny patch of eczema behind his knees and arm creases. I used the steroids cream Alphaderm far to much to keep in at bay. And i knew when he had certain dairy products he flared up. So back in Jan i replaced all his d...
by Paulapip
Mon Aug 01, 2011 2:33 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: Azathioprine? really don't want to give to my 3yr old son
Replies: 5
Views: 8885

Re: Azathioprine? really don't want to give to my 3yr old so

Thank you Kats I find it really helps in talking to someone who has been through it or is going through it. I have started on the wet wraping again, feel it does lock in the moisture into his skin, but he crys out telling me he hates them. i feel the same regarding your thought in the big buisness i...
by Paulapip
Sat Jul 30, 2011 8:48 am
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: Azathioprine? really don't want to give to my 3yr old son
Replies: 5
Views: 8885

Azathioprine? really don't want to give to my 3yr old son

Hello my names Paula, and i'm new to this site. Really looking for some advice as i feel like i've exhausted every possible avenue to calming down my 3yr old sons atopic eczema. After numerous doctor, dermatology appointments, they are now suggesting that my son goes on a course of medication called...
Search found 7 matches