Search found 9 matches

Search found 9 matches
by bodhi
Mon Mar 19, 2012 10:06 pm
Forum: babies and children with eczema
Topic: Advice on hands appreciated!
Replies: 3
Views: 6352

Re: Advice on hands appreciated!

Hi, My son is 3 and his hand eczema is extremely bad at the moment. However, he is now happy to wear his gloves mainly (i think ) because we got some Skinnies wet wrap gloves from the doctors that come in blue rather than normal bandage colour. My son found these far more acceptable to wear as they ...
by bodhi
Thu Jun 09, 2011 9:35 am
Forum: babies and children with eczema
Topic: The "All Cotton" Rule For Eczema
Replies: 20
Views: 24323

100% cotton socks

he everyone. i am trying to find some 100% cotton socks for my son aged 2 but have so far only found one place that sells them for £6 a pair! looking on amazon i can find loads of mens sized 100% cotton socks at around £6 for 5 pairs. please help! i never realized it would be such a challenge to fin...
by bodhi
Fri May 15, 2009 10:26 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: DermaSilk
Replies: 22
Views: 29562

Re: getting stains out of Dermasilk clothing

I have just had an email back from someone at Dermasilk and he says he is going to ask around and come back to me. All he did say was definately no bleech as it makes the silk yellow and brittle
Will post more when i get more information.
by bodhi
Wed May 06, 2009 9:11 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: DermaSilk
Replies: 22
Views: 29562

getting stains out of Dermasilk clothing

Hi everyone, My 7 month old son is now wearing Dermasilk suits daily but now he is weaning, they are getting quite stained with food. Does anyone one know the best way to get stains out without damaging them? I am washing them in non bio by hand at the moment but either im rubbish at it or its not e...
by bodhi
Sat Apr 18, 2009 8:22 pm
Forum: eczema flares and infection
Topic: Eczema Flares
Replies: 31
Views: 36531

Re: Eczema flares

that must be awful, eczema is such a horrible thing, i had no idea how much it impacts on the whole family until my son had it. I guess i will have to get him out in the sun and see what happens.
by bodhi
Fri Apr 17, 2009 8:09 pm
Forum: eczema flares and infection
Topic: Eczema Flares
Replies: 31
Views: 36531

Re: Eczema flares

i have been driving myself mad for the last week trying to work out why my baby's eczema had flared up all over his face and hands, thanks for sharing everyone as i now know what the probably cause is. How do you find out if you are sensitive to the sun? MY baby was born in winter so has had no real...
by bodhi
Wed Apr 08, 2009 10:04 pm
Forum: general eczema discussions
Topic: The Itch Scratch Cycle
Replies: 61
Views: 94136

Re: Eczema itching

have you tried scratch sleeves? i havent used them but have been told they are impossible to get off!
by bodhi
Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:48 pm
Forum: general eczema discussions
Topic: The Itch Scratch Cycle
Replies: 61
Views: 94136

Re: Eczema itching

i know exactly what you are going through, my baby suffered in the same way. i have just posted a thread about Dermasilk clothing, i have had amazing results with them for my son and he now no longer itches (plus the bodysuits have built in mittens so they cannot cut themselves)
by bodhi
Tue Apr 07, 2009 8:44 pm
Forum: eczema treatments
Topic: DermaSilk
Replies: 22
Views: 29562

dermasilk clothing - amazing results

Hi all, My 6 month old son has suffered from severe atopic exzema since 3 weeks old, it has been 5 months of hell trying to get a grip on his eczema and seemingly going nowhere. He skin care routine was steroid cream twice a day, nystaform once a day, emoliant oitments 3 times a day and wet wraps at...
Search found 9 matches