Online clinic on bladder, bowel & digestive health - Jul 2014
In July (16-22) 2014 NHS Choices and talkhealth teamed up with B&BF, Core, IBS Network & PromoCom to bring you an online clinic on bladder, bowel and digestive health.
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You can ask our experts questions here that don't fall into one of the categories below.
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bladder problems
Ask our experts your questions about bladder problems including, continence, weak pelvic floor, overactive bladders or any other bladder related issues.
Moderator: talkhealth
bowel problems
Please ask any questions about Crohns disease, Bowel cancer, Ulcerative colitis or related conditions here.
Moderator: talkhealth
irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
Any questions about irritable bowel syndrome and related psychological and physical issues should be posted for our experts here.
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digestive problems
If you have any questions relating to digestives issues such as constipation, heartburn and bloating please post them for the experts in this forum.
Moderator: talkhealth