Bowel Rupture

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Guest Posts
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by Guest Posts on Wed Apr 11, 2018 2:00 pm

Bowel Rupture

My bowel ruptured 4 October 2016 and the surgeon's didn't know if they could save my life. I have a huge colostomy bag and double hernia and I've never got over it. I have recurring nightmares every night and haven't left the house since. I'm only 42, I'm a hermit now and literally live in my bedroom. My children are now in foster care due to this. How do other people get over this? Is it just me? I'd love to find others to talk to for advice. My parents say I should be lucky they managed to save me, I totally disagree!!!!!
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Dr Claire Mansfield
Posts: 40
Joined: Tue Mar 28, 2017 9:32 am

by Dr Claire Mansfield on Thu Apr 12, 2018 12:16 pm

Re: Bowel Rupture

It sounds as if you have been through an incredibly difficult time. I would really recommend that you consider joining a support group (either online or face to face), or find a therapist that you can talk to. You may be able to access this support via your GP so I recommend that you start by explaining to your GP the difficulties that you are having. You might be able to start to adjust to the traumatic experiences you have been through and the huge changes in your life, and find different ways of coping that allow you to have a more fulfilling life. Yes, people can adjust to new ways of living but they often need support with this. Good luck.
Dr Claire Mansfield
Chartered Counselling Psychologist - CPsychol, PsychD, MA, BSc ... sfield.php

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