Bladder retention and spc

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by dancerkendo on Thu Mar 21, 2019 1:51 pm

Bladder retention and spc

I am paraplegic due spinal cord injury complete so no control over bladder

I seem to have zero or minimal retention so was given suprapubic catheter which has been on free drainage
Last year told I should add a flip flow valve and shut off to train bladder to hold otherwise will shrink to nothing

Thing is, how do I manage using the cut off valve timewise?
No pattern to how long it takes from drinking to exit so judging how often to change the flow switch is impossible. I am constantly wetting myself!!

With a spc in place, if bladder shrank to nothing what impact would thatvhave? I have read on fb groups that other people have had to have mitronaff or other bladder surgery once bladder shrunk with soc in place.

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Mr Jeremy Ockrim
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by Mr Jeremy Ockrim on Thu Mar 21, 2019 4:14 pm

Re: Bladder retention and spc

The average bladder capacity is 500mls (and you should not be retaining more than this).
You should measure your residual volumes by the catheter until you get an idea of this volume, and then cycle your bladder appropriately to maintain this capacity. Most people void 4-6 times a day depending on the amount they drink

Patients with spinal cord injury should have urodynamic testing and ultrasound assessments to assess their bladder pressures and check there is no back pressure on their kidneys

Some patients are suitable for a continent channel that is catheterised through the abdomen (umbilicus) called a Mitrofanoff channel.

You should be under the care of a specialist urology team

Best wishes

Jeremy Ockrim
Mr Jeremy Ockrim
Consultant Urological Surgeon in Female and Reconstructive Surgery ... ockrim.php

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