what is this rash

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by asdf;lkj on Thu Sep 05, 2019 10:02 pm

what is this rash

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Please can you tell me what this rash is, it is in my leg creases. I have had it since November 2018 and dermovate cream is not working, prescribed by my Gp. A dermotologist has ruled out Lichen schlerosus.
I am taking ramipril and duloxetine. I have been diagnosed with high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, osteoarthritis and occasionallly rosacea on my nose/face.
I attach a photo to show the rash
IMG_9648.jpg (65.92 KiB) Viewed 2367 times

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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Posts: 435
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:11 am

by Dr Anton Alexandroff on Tue Sep 10, 2019 2:59 pm

Re: what is this rash

Thank you for your question. It is difficult to be sure without examining you in person but from your photograph I wonder if you might have a fungal infection? Can you ask you GP to try terbinafine cream?

I hope this is helpful.
With Best Wishes,

Dr Anton Alexandroff FRCP(UK) PhD CCT(Derm) FRSM FAAD
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer
The British Skin Foundation Spokesperson
London, Cambridge, Leicester and Bedford

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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer & BSF spokesperson - FRCP, CCT (Derm), PhD, FRSM, FAAD

http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... ndroff.php

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