Lichen Planus

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by Frances489 on Wed Sep 11, 2019 1:13 pm

Lichen Planus

I've had lichen planus of the vulva for approximately four years now - using Dermovate and Hydromol to try to keep things under control. I was initially told by the dermatologist that it may well burn itself out after two years, but, unfortunately not. Now one of my practice nurses has told me that there is no cure and it's just a matter of managing it. I've got an appointment to see the dermatologist again next month as the rash is just constant, sometimes worse than others. Although it had cleared before the dermatologist discharged me last year, within a few weeks it was back with a vengeance. I was told to use Dermovate every day for a month, then twice a week for a month - and repeat.

Is it a lifelong condition which has to be managed? What regimen would you advise for using Dermovate regularly? Is there anything else I could do to improve things?

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professor andrew r thompson
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by professor andrew r thompson on Wed Sep 25, 2019 7:15 pm

Re: Lichen Planus

Dear Frances, I hope the dermatologist that you see is able to offer a medical treatment. LP can obviously be upsetting and has the potential to effect relationships and intimacy. If it does not fully respond to treatment or waxes and wanes over time you may feel that you need additional support in managing the psychosocial aspects of the condition. If this is the case then I'd encourage you to share how the condition is impacting upon you with a specialist dermatologist or/and your GP as they may be able to refer you to a psychologist with expertise in supporting people living with skin conditions. There is also a support group forum which can be accessed from here -
Dr Andrew Thompson
Registered Clinical and Registered Health Psychologist - DClinPsy., C.Psychol., AFBPsS., DipCAT., FHEA., BA(Hons) ... ompson.php

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