CFS and relapse

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by Guest Posts on Thu Sep 12, 2019 10:07 am

CFS and relapse

Having suffering with CFS for the last 13 years and recently having a bad relapse. I would like to know is there now any sign of a treatment or clinical trials for it. Nigel
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Fran McElwaine
Posts: 12
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2019 9:56 am

by Fran McElwaine on Mon Sep 16, 2019 6:39 pm

Re: CFS and relapse

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome is the name that is given to a group of symptoms that vary from individual to individual. CFS is a multi-factorial condition that can either have multiple root causes and or one root cause that is expressed in various symptoms.

Any support for someone suffering with CFS needs to involve getting quite forensic to understand all the dynamics in play for each individual. Possible causes can include an undiagnosed viral burden, gut dysbiosis (an imbalance in the bacteria in our tummies, especially if it is in the small intestine), stress, thyroid issues, undiagnosed food sensitivities, heavy metal toxicity and/or depression (which itself can be caused by each of these things). In rare cases there can be a genetic mutation that blocks the proper production of energy in the body - this can be identitifed and treated with specific supplements.

Addressing diet is one of the best things to reduce the symptoms of CFS - eating at least 10 portions of fruit and vegetables a day (to ensure you are getting sufficient anti-oxidents, phyto-nutrients and minerals in your system) choosing quality protein sources and including fermented foods such as kefir and sauerkraut in very helpful. If you are a vegan it is very important to supplement with a good quality B vitamin to ensure you are getting sufficient B12 and folate - an insufficiency of either of these vitamins can be expressed as fatigue and low energy.

Stress management is also key because consistently high levels of stress hormones in our system lower our metabolic rate, suppress the production of key hormones (such as testosterone) and interfere with the digestive process. Simple breathing techniques, regular moderate exercise and meditation are all excellent stress management techniques.

I wish you well with this. CFS is very debilitating, but it is not necessarily a life-sentence. Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to chat through the options in more detail.

With all possible good wishes

Fran McElwaine
AFMC, CHHC - Functional Health & Lifestyle Coach ... lwaine.php

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