
Post your questions regarding elderly/older skin here.

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Guest Posts
Posts: 832
Joined: Wed Sep 07, 2016 4:12 pm

by Guest Posts on Tue Mar 10, 2020 10:22 am


My name is Paul and I am 63 years old. I have suffered all my life with Rosacea. I have tried virtually all treatments. Including IPL laser, Miravaso etc. However I still have a permanently red face. Heat appears to be the main trigger the hotter it is the redder I get and sweat profusely. I like to believe that I have an healthy lifestyle. I just wondered if there was any other tips or ideas to help mitigate the redness. As the social embarrassment is at times overwhelming.
Kind regards
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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Posts: 435
Joined: Tue Sep 18, 2012 9:11 am

by Dr Anton Alexandroff on Thu Mar 12, 2020 7:03 pm

Re: Rosacea

Dear Paul,

I am so sorry to hear about your problem! I am afraid Mirvaso and laser are the most reliable and effective treatments but perhaps you can ask you GP or dermatologist to try clonidine medication off licence?

I hope this is helpful.
With Best Wishes,

Dr Anton Alexandroff FRCP(UK) PhD CCT(Derm) FRSM FAAD
Consultant Dermatologist and Honorary Senior Lecturer
The British Skin Foundation Spokesperson
London, Cambridge, Leicester and Bedford
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Dr Anton Alexandroff
Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Lecturer & BSF spokesperson - FRCP, CCT (Derm), PhD, FRSM, FAAD ... ndroff.php

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