Lichen Sclerosus symptoms

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by prp_1705 on Mon May 11, 2020 12:31 pm

Lichen Sclerosus symptoms

Hi! How do you know whether or not you have LS? What are the characteristic symptoms and how may it be managed at home during lockdown and limited access to a GP?

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Dr Nevianna Bordet
Posts: 66
Joined: Wed May 06, 2020 12:27 pm

by Dr Nevianna Bordet on Mon May 11, 2020 9:07 pm

Re: Lichen Sclerosus symptoms

Lichen sclerosus (LS) can present in a variety of ways but the commonest one is persistent itching. A lot of women mistake this for thrush. However, often with thrush women have a discharge (classically a cottage-cheese consistency), and if it is thrush than over-the-counter treatments such as cream or pessaries relieve the itching. In LS, patients have itch that persists despite anti-thrush treatment. The difficulty is that some patients have thrush as well as LS as the former is common, especially in skin that is inflamed by LS. For this reason anti-thrush treatments can sometimes partially help. If LS is present for a long time untreated it can start to change the vulval tissues with scarring and the opening to the vagina may become more narrow, making sexual intercourse difficult or painful. Sometimes LS can also have no symptoms at all and it can be noted on a routine examination, such as attending for a smear test. If you are worried, you may have LS than I would advise you are examined by your GP. You cannot manage the condition at home yourself as a strong steroid cream would need to be prescribed. If your symptoms are bad, there will be a way for you to be seen urgently, despite lockdown.
Dr Nevianna Bordet
Consultant Dermatologist ... bordet.php

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