Persistent vulval lichen planus - Dermovate use?

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by Frances489 on Tue May 12, 2020 9:50 am

Persistent vulval lichen planus - Dermovate use?

I'd like to ask a question about lichen planus, if that's all right. I've had vulval lichen planus for about 5 years and have twice been referred to the dermatologist - I'm 73. At the moment I'm following the dermatologist's advice and using Dermovate daily for a month, then twice a week for a month until it clears. Using this regimen I can get the area clear, but 5-6 weeks later - even using copious amounts of emollient - it returns and I have to start all over again.

I've also noticed that sometimes I feel uncomfortable, even though there is little to see. Can the rash spread inside the vagina?

Given that I only seem to get a few weeks respite before the rash comes back, would it be a good idea to use the Dermovate twice a week, regularly, in order to keep the rash under control? I'd appreciate your advice.

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Dr Nevianna Bordet
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by Dr Nevianna Bordet on Tue May 12, 2020 10:26 pm

Re: Persistent vulval lichen planus - Dermovate use?

Lichen planus can be a difficult condition to treat. It can affect the vagina internally as well as the external parts of the vulva. When it affects the vagina you can experience soreness and sometimes bleeding. Your specialist should be able to examine you with a speculum and tell you if the LP is internally in the vagina. If so, you would need to apply the steroid internally to treat this. Sometimes the internal soreness can be due to something else, such as lack of hormone and vaginal dryness (atrophic vaginitis) if you have been in the menopause for some time. This can be helped by using vaginal lubricants or oestrogen pessaries or cream. You could try applying an ointment such as Hydromol ointment or Epaderm ointment or a lubricant such as Yes, Sylk or Replens on a daily basis as this may help with the dryness and they can be bought without a prescription. Without examining you it is difficult to say. Many women use Dermovate twice weekly on a long-term basis to prevent the LP from recurring so it would be sensible to discuss this with your doctor.
Dr Nevianna Bordet
Consultant Dermatologist ... bordet.php

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