A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

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by Sergiodc on Thu Mar 26, 2020 6:32 am

A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

Pimple.jpg (29.47 KiB) Viewed 35678 times

Sorry for my English, I'm not a native English speaker. I had acne during my teenage years and I got some scarring. Now I am 32 years old and I still have this pimple on my nose that has always made me very uncomfortable. The doctors in my country, I am from Chile, say that they can do several very expensive surgery sessions to remove it, however, I am afraid that they are lying to me and scamming me.

I want to go to a good dermatologist in my country. I would like to know if this pimple in the photo can be removed or alleviated in some way with surgery. I would very much like to read your opinions and advice, friends. Thank you.


P.S.: Picture included for context

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by talkhealth on Tue Apr 14, 2020 12:02 pm

Re: A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this pro

Hi Sergiodc,

Thank you for posting on the forum with your picture. We are unable to give out specific medical advice, but you might want to consider joining our free acne support programme to help you currently and for any future pimple issues. Please find link here:


Also please find some information below on all issues relating to spots and pimples and treatments:


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by Dariana33 on Wed Jun 24, 2020 4:07 pm

Re: A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

yes, you can remove it. My sibling has acne also and had almost the same scar. He removed it with laser. He went to do the procedure several times and then it is gone.We made it in Germany as we live in the property in Berlin not far from clinic. If you need I can say the name.

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by Prycejosh1987 on Sun Sep 20, 2020 2:43 pm

Re: A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

Pimples can be hard to remove, had you tried pimples and acne creams. Speak to pharmacist about options.

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by Buzz6419 on Wed Feb 16, 2022 6:48 am

Re: A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

Hi, here I can tell you some treatments by which you can remove your pimple on your nose;

1. Use a medicated facial cleanser to remove pimples on your nose.
2. Apply some ice on the pimple so it might reduce the swelling of the nose.
3. Use some pimple patches and swabs so they also help you to remove pimples from your nose.

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by advhccenter on Sun Nov 17, 2024 12:47 pm

Re: A pimple on my nose. Is there any treatment for this problem

Tea tree oil: Tea tree oil can forestall or stop the development of microorganisms. Apply a modest quantity of tea tree oil to a cotton utensil and rub it on your pimples. Sugar or salt cleans: Sugar and salt scours scratch away (shed) dead cells on the outer layer of your skin.

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