really bad fatigue

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by June012 on Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:00 pm

really bad fatigue

I am suffering from extreme fatigue and exhaustion which started in November last year.
Every morning I wake up unreplenished from sleep and very hungry. I have to eat something every 2 hours or I get very weak and wobbly. Sleeping and eating are not helping me feel any better though. I consider my diet to be quite healthy, no junk food, sugar or alcohol.
I just am not able to function normally any more on a daily basis and even doing simple tasks makes me feel exhausted and I have to do and lie down. I’m walking around in a mental fog and everything feels dreamlike. I also get very lightheaded like there’s not enough oxygen in my brain and feel head pressure. I get palpitations and my limbs just feel so heavy.
Any insight as to what this could possibly be would be much appreciated. Also, any advice on how best to approach my GP and what tests to ask for. I’m at my wits end and things are getting worse. I just do not know what is going on with my body.

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Carol Wright
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by Carol Wright on Tue Jun 02, 2020 2:55 pm

Re: really bad fatigue

Hi June

Thank you for posting the question which is something that comes up with a lot of clients.

Whilst I am unable to diagnose any conditions, I would say to get a full blood check with your doctor to include thyroid and insulin/blood sugar levels to see if you are too high or too low. Some drs will check for Vitamin levels too such as B12 and D. Our hormones can cause a lot of problems generally as we change through age and women with normal changes as they get older and into menopause. Of course, I don't know your age so I am unable to comment on specifics.

What you can ensure in the meantime, is that you drink more water and eat enough protein with each meal. Protein will fill you up longer so that you don't have to eat every 2 hours. Also try and consider whether you are actually hungry or you are trying to gain more energy by eating to keep you awake. Too little of either of these can make you feel hungry and affect how you sleep.

Dealing with any stress that you may have in your life will help too. Note down what may be affecting you in order to try and combat this in small chunks.

I hope this helps and give you a mix of things to try.
Carol Wright
Grief, loss, health and life coach ... rol-wright

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Joanna Shurety
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by Joanna Shurety on Thu Jun 04, 2020 10:28 am

Re: really bad fatigue

Hi June,

Thanks for your question - it sounds like you are having a really tough time of it! Feeling low on energy in the way you describe can be incredibly debilitating. I would absolutely urge you to seek advice and a referral from your GP - you may have a deficiency or underlying condition. I would be clear and open about how you are feeling and what is going on with you - giving as much information as possible will help your GP get you the best referral/ tests etc. From a lifestyle perspective, hydration is a massive factor with energy - if you do not drink water regularly then this will definitely affect your energy. Food can also contribute. Keeping a diary and noting if there are foods that make you feel tired or energised may give you some clues as to what to add or remove from your diet... I would also ensure you are including protein with every meal - it will help regulate energy. I would also focus on bedtime - making you sure you have a good relaxation hour prior to bed - some reading, downtime, maybe a relaxing bath.. whatever makes you relax your body and mind - this will help ensure you get the best recovery from your sleep. These 3 things are good habits/ practices to try whilst you wait for help from your GP. Good luck.
Joanna Shurety
Health Coach and Nutritional Therapist ... na-shurety

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