Permanently large pores on cheeks

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by Guest Posts on Tue Jul 14, 2020 2:57 pm

Permanently large pores on cheeks

On my cheeks, by my nose, I have what seem like permanently large pores - will I be stuck with skin like this for life or is there any way to smooth these out? Thanks
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Dr Emma Wedgeworth
Posts: 154
Joined: Mon Jan 16, 2017 11:26 am

by Dr Emma Wedgeworth on Thu Jul 16, 2020 7:03 pm

Re: Permanently large pores on cheeks

Hi there,
Large pores are a really common concern. Pore size is partly genetically based, but will pores will also get larger overtime, and for some can be part of the ageing process.

Whilst it's difficult to totally shrink down pores, there are lots of ways to minimise them. Ensure they are not clogged - larger pores are more likely to get clogged - so avoid pore blocking make ups and other skin care (e.g. oils). Products containing active ingredients like BHAs (salicylic acid) as well as retinoids (vitamin A-based creams) are really helpful to try and maintain pore size so try and include some of these in your skin care regime. Certain procedures which help to improve skin surface e.g. micro needling or peels may also help.

Also be careful about sun protection to ensure that the skin doesn't age prematurely and exacerbate the pore enlargement.

I hope that helps!

Dr Emma Wedgeworth
Consultant Dermatologist & BSF spokesperson ... eworth.php

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