
The Sleep Charity and talkhealth are teaming up to offer an online expert clinic on teen sleep.

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by Guest Posts on Mon May 17, 2021 3:28 pm


Nightmares – my daughter complains of dreading going to sleep due to the nightmares she has suddenly started to experience – I really don’t know what to say to her apart from the obvious of asking her what are the nightmares about and is she worried about anything in her personal life or school?
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Kerry Davies
Posts: 3
Joined: Thu May 13, 2021 11:04 am
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by Kerry Davies on Thu May 20, 2021 12:26 pm

Re: Nightmares

Nightmares are so common.

You are doing the right thing by talking to her about any worries that she may have. It is important to so this, I would say to do it earlier on in the evening so leaving quite a while before bedtime itself.

Also talking about all of the positive things that may have happened throughout the day too.

Prior to going to bed consider sleep hygiene. Does she have a good wind down pre going to bed. You can include things like a nice warm bath, reading (something light and breezy), breathing techniques and anything else that she may find relaxing.

Encouraging relaxing activities before going to sleep can really help. Also if there is potential for there to be unfamiliar sounds when she is sleeping it might be worth using some white/pink noise to stabilise her bedroom.

I would also speak about how to manage the nightmares if they are waking her up in the night. Again look at activities that she finds calming and breathing techniques can be really useful after a night mare.

Hope that is helpful


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