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- KarenJones
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Do you find that your diet can affect your Asthma?
Karen Jones
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Re: Food
Yes diet is very important factor in controlling your asthma 'fresh is best'
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- Joined: Fri Nov 27, 2009 12:46 am
Re: Food
no,diet does not affect my asthma.heat and cool does.damp and dry.i can tell the moment i walk out of my door if im gonna have a good day.
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Re: Food
Are you looking forward to the summer months then? Or does the pollen affect your asthma too?
- mark
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Re: Food
Fresh Organic local produce is best to reduce the risk of effecting allergies and may help to avoid your asthma. With foods being packed with chemicals these days that are Generally Regarded As Safe (GRAS) by foods standards you will find some foods may affect your asthma or allergies.
E.g. eating local honey can help reduce the effects of hayfever.
If you can buy local organic foods or are able to grow your own i would recomend to do so. I buy organic raw unpasturised milk (there is a company that deliver this) and grow i my own vegitables.
potatoes, peas, beans, beetroot, many herbs, strawberries, tomatos, peppers, leaks. are all in process at the moment.
E.g. eating local honey can help reduce the effects of hayfever.
If you can buy local organic foods or are able to grow your own i would recomend to do so. I buy organic raw unpasturised milk (there is a company that deliver this) and grow i my own vegitables.
potatoes, peas, beans, beetroot, many herbs, strawberries, tomatos, peppers, leaks. are all in process at the moment.
Mark Westbrook
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Re: Food
HI folks, just found this forum & thought I would say hello & let you know what helped me.
I lost 3 years of comp school as being so ill with Asthma and allergies. The hospital were going to class me as disabled as the medications stopped helping & were actually making me much worse with other things.
Thankfully my dad (who was a medical professional & didn't believe in alternatives) dragged me off to an alternative health practitioner.
She was very good and told me to change my diet.
Ive been totally free of the daily attacks for over 20 years & now have an immune system.
At first she told me to cut out all meat, dairy, artificial sweeteners, sulphites, normal toothpastes, caffeine, fizzy drinks, alcohol & e numbers.
The reason for this is that they are quite toxic to the body & by cutting them out it helps the body to detox & heal.
I also started to juice fresh fruit & veg twice a day with a nice smoothie for breakfast.
the detox was a little difficult but my parents were very shocked at how much stuff seemed to come out & the amount of weight I lots.
Within a few weeks I had lots of energy, felt much better mentally & the daily attacks moved to once or twice a week.
It took a full six months to get to no attacks per week & cut the medications & inhalers out.
I then played about with my diet & found dairy was the worst but also processed foods caused issues.
I can tolerate a small amount of sulphites but try avoid them at all costs, artificial sweeteners can be very nasty & seem to take ages to get our of our system.
For the first few years I did find if I got cold or flu I would have an attack but Ive also found that if I stick to a largely plant based diet I no longer have issues.
I now stick to a very healthy vegan diet & avoid anything processed. Its amazing how many toxic substances can be found in our foods, cosmetics, household cleaners which can cause issues if used. Also avoiding fag smoke is a major thing to do as its just stupid to be around smokers if you have chest problems.
Ive got several friends who have kids with asthma who only seem to take notice when their kids get very very ill.
Cutting dairy & toxins out of your diet is hard work at first but once you get used to doing it, it becomes natural & the whole family find its beneficial.
Its really important though to cut our all the rubbish & replace it with health fruit & veg. The more healthy greens you can get into a poorly body the quicker it will heal.
Hope that helps you the way its helped me
I lost 3 years of comp school as being so ill with Asthma and allergies. The hospital were going to class me as disabled as the medications stopped helping & were actually making me much worse with other things.
Thankfully my dad (who was a medical professional & didn't believe in alternatives) dragged me off to an alternative health practitioner.
She was very good and told me to change my diet.
Ive been totally free of the daily attacks for over 20 years & now have an immune system.
At first she told me to cut out all meat, dairy, artificial sweeteners, sulphites, normal toothpastes, caffeine, fizzy drinks, alcohol & e numbers.
The reason for this is that they are quite toxic to the body & by cutting them out it helps the body to detox & heal.
I also started to juice fresh fruit & veg twice a day with a nice smoothie for breakfast.
the detox was a little difficult but my parents were very shocked at how much stuff seemed to come out & the amount of weight I lots.
Within a few weeks I had lots of energy, felt much better mentally & the daily attacks moved to once or twice a week.
It took a full six months to get to no attacks per week & cut the medications & inhalers out.
I then played about with my diet & found dairy was the worst but also processed foods caused issues.
I can tolerate a small amount of sulphites but try avoid them at all costs, artificial sweeteners can be very nasty & seem to take ages to get our of our system.
For the first few years I did find if I got cold or flu I would have an attack but Ive also found that if I stick to a largely plant based diet I no longer have issues.
I now stick to a very healthy vegan diet & avoid anything processed. Its amazing how many toxic substances can be found in our foods, cosmetics, household cleaners which can cause issues if used. Also avoiding fag smoke is a major thing to do as its just stupid to be around smokers if you have chest problems.
Ive got several friends who have kids with asthma who only seem to take notice when their kids get very very ill.
Cutting dairy & toxins out of your diet is hard work at first but once you get used to doing it, it becomes natural & the whole family find its beneficial.
Its really important though to cut our all the rubbish & replace it with health fruit & veg. The more healthy greens you can get into a poorly body the quicker it will heal.
Hope that helps you the way its helped me
Re: Food
hello gibby - this is really interesting and something my doctor didn't even mention when I took Joe about his wheezing. I wonder why my doctor didn't suggest there could be a connection with food and asthma? I'm due to go back soon for a check to see how Joe's getting on - I will ask my gp then. Thank you for this great information.
Re: Food
I have read that asthma may have been caused by an allergy to dairy products. I did cut out diary for a while and saw no improvement in my asthma so now consume dairy products again. My asthma is now well controlled and i have actually increased my intake of dairy now and its no different.
I have posted this in the upcoming food allergy clinic but as that isn't until next month i just wondered if anyone here had found dairy to affect their asthma?
I have posted this in the upcoming food allergy clinic but as that isn't until next month i just wondered if anyone here had found dairy to affect their asthma?