Skin Flare up from bites

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by Guest Posts on Fri Sep 06, 2024 5:23 pm

Skin Flare up from bites

In the last couple of weeks I have been getting skin flare ups on my body which are extremely itchy. The rash is very red on the surface of the skin?
I have tried cutting out certain foods, but this hasn't made any difference.
The only thing I can associate with this happening is that I got badly bitten by an insect on my neck (on the golf course) about two and a half weeks ago and it was very itchy. I put 'Eurax' cream on the itchy area where the bites were located at the base of the head, there were about 4 bites as far as I could make out at the time. After they healed up I seem to have been having the skin flare-ups on a regular basis now, every day.
Can you suggest what could be causing this reaction, please? Plus if there is anything that can be done to help me?
Thank you. Anne
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Dr Stephanie Gallard
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by Dr Stephanie Gallard on Tue Sep 24, 2024 12:35 am

Re: Skin Flare up from bites

Anne, this is the sort of thing that needs to be seen really to be investigated properly. I am not sure if it is likely that the flare-ups are connected to the bites, although it is not impossible.
I would suggest going to see your GP, and taking photographs of the rash when it happens. What you are describing could be a rash called urticaria, for which we usually prescribe antihistamines to start with. There are other options, such as a contact dermatitis, where your skin has come into contact with an irritant of some kind. Your GP will also want to take a bit more of a dermatological history, starting out with previous skin problems you might have had such as eczema in childhood.
Sorry not to be able to be more helpful
Dr Stephanie Gallard
Senior GP & dermatology GPSI

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