Wash out the Protopic ointment?

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by dontpanic on Tue Jul 29, 2014 1:22 pm

Wash out the Protopic ointment?

Hello everyone!

About ten years ago, I diagnosed with para-psoriasis. Through the years, I tried different doctors and methods, and none of them worked for me. Until, about a week ago, a new doctor prescribed me the Protopic ointment (tacrolimus) and I started using it.

So, I have a question and I hope you guys can help me with it :)

The ointment is very oily. I have to apply it two times per day, one in the morning and one at night. I have no problem at night, but in the morning, as it is very oily, it's bothers me very much...

I wanted to ask whether it is okay to wash the ointment 2 or 3 hours after applying it or not.

Thanks in advance :)

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by healthcare247 on Wed Dec 31, 2014 10:06 am

Re: Wash out the Protopic ointment?

Yes, you can wash this ointment 3 hrs after applying with plain water.

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