Burning skin

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by cahill333 on Fri Aug 29, 2014 8:11 pm

Burning skin

Hi all. For many months now I have been having a burning /crawling skin sensation on my abdomen. It then seemed to spread to my back and my shoulder area. Along with this I have intermittent hot warm flushes which last maybe a minute or 2 occasionally (once or twice a day) along with a feeling of nausea/malaise as we'll. I did have shingles approx 3 years ago. Although it was mild ( I only had a small rash on side of my abdomen , incidentally this is where the burning started after the shingles approx 2 years later) my bowel movement are ok/ normal. Appetite is good . I did have some stress last year when my father died (which was quite traumatic). Doctor prescribed an anti depressant though this didn't work. Any thoughts on this would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.

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