Undiagonsed Vein Issue

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by reidmarsh on Thu May 07, 2020 9:49 am

Undiagonsed Vein Issue

Firstly let me preface this by saying I am aware my theory of the issue could well not be related to the problems I explain. I know self diagnosing is an issue but I am just going to give my opinion based on my experience and vent. I have constantly been told over the course of 7 years 'I am fine' and to 'not change anything'. This is the most frustrating thing because this problem is not going away and I honestly feel like if nothing is done I am just continuing to do permanent damage to my body. I have had zero progress to solving this issue and I am at the point where over the past few years it has been making me extremely scared and often depressed and in despair about it. So.. let me just explain it from my point of view and leave you guys to fill in the gaps with suggestions and debunk. the gist of the problem to my extremely limited understand is something is making it so my veins 'tightening' permanently for want of a better word. Read on as I explain my experience with this as this has been incredibly difficuilt to explain to anyone how I feel and what I think is happening. So.. 7 years ago I was sleeping on the floor and I felt a sharp pain in my lower left abdomen (where my bottom left ab in a six pack is). The next time I ejaculated I felt a throbbing pain in my left testicle. I noticed a dark purple/blackish thin vein across my left testicle, which is still there and much darker, thicker and longer to this day, I felt my testicle and it felt 'twisted' and was not the sitting the way it usually does. (This is also the same to this day) I was worried. I went to A&E and was told it was not twisted from what they can see and to come back to A&E if I get acute pain as there could be testicular torsion. I continued to ejaculate but noticed the throbbing sensation was not there but I still have a vein that continued to get dark and more prominent everytime I ejaculated. I then slowly over time whilst continuing to ejaculate noticed my veins were more prominent and easily visible in different parts of my body gradually over time (like when you are out in the sun) It tends to begin on the left side of my body and then eventually to the right. (Please note I don't mean immediately after I ejaculate and then it goes back to normal. I am talking permanently after the point of ejaculation and usually it takes a day or two to actually notice the effect) First this was on the surface of my hands that the veins became more prominent 'they are easier to see through the skin like (when you are out in the sun).' This continued to happen. I noticed it under my eye, on my legs and eventually on my chest which really worried me. Eventually my body shape started changing because of this. My chest is con caved more so on my left side my penis became less hard even when flaccid i.e less blood getting to penis. So fast forward years and years and it just gets worse and worse, right now my thighs and arms have prominent veins that are tight around my muscles completely changing their shape. You can physically see the veins around the outside and how they tighten into the muscle and change the shape. Same with my neck, the top of my head, I am even tongue tied and have become a lot paler. When I tell people this as you might well be thinking yourself they just think i'm paranoid and crazy and its not related, but never give a proper explanation as to why all these things happen and only continue getting worse. I admit I am making assumptions and to making leaps to try and explain what could be happening. But the fact of the matter is the changes are real and the pain is real. These are permanent effects on my body and if I go a period of time without ejaculating nothing gets worse. But doctors continually tell me it's ok to ejaculate. I can no longer get an erection without physical stimulation and my erections are not very hard. I also have a very sharp pain in my left testacle or like a sharp cramp on my left chest maybe once every 5 months or so and it literally takes me to the ground where I can't do anything but clench and wait for a few seconds before it stops. There is a lot of fluid in the left sac and it is much larger than my right testacle. I have seen multiple GPs, who all but one have told me i'm being paranoid. I have seen one urologist who spent all of 15 seconds looking and said I was fine. I have had multiple scans on my testes and once on my leg but apart from mentioning there is fluid there (which by the way is increasing over time as I continue to ejaculate) they say nothing is wrong. As a result I am only ejaculating on average once every month and a half now and was masturbating at different frequencies during different times throughout the past 7 years and I am honestly afraid to. I've gone through phases of trying to force myself to believe the doctors opinions and act like nothing is wrong and ejaculate at a normal frequency but I always have something in the back of my telling me I know something is wrong, it's my body I see it all the time and the changes are real. I am aware the cause could be completely unrelated but one can explain it to me. The only way I can describe it is my veins 'tighten/stress'. It's such a hard thing to explain and there is so much more I haven't put in this message but I am at a point of complete despair. Please give me any advice and ask as many questions as you would like. I am desperate for help.

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by talkhealth on Mon May 11, 2020 10:32 am

Re: Undiagonsed Vein Issue

Hi reidmarsh,

Thank you for posting on the forum. It sounds like you are having a frustrating time getting to the bottom of your symptoms. We would urge you to revisit your GP after lockdown and explain that you are still very worried. They may then refer you to a vascular specialist/surgeon who can investigate further.

Kind regards
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