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by mrdoubt86 on Fri May 18, 2018 11:10 am


Hi, I was diagnosed with balanoposthitis. The antibiotics are done and the doctor examined the penis and he said the infection has receded. My question is how do I know that i am completely cured off the infection and i can start being normal again.

To throw some light, i was unaware of the hygiene care for penis. I learnt it only when i visited the urologist with complain of foul smell from penis and colourless discharge. Nevertheless now I am keeping good hygiene practice(retracting completely and cleaning the foreskin).

Now it has been 10 days since i am cleaning by retracting, i have noticed the smegma deposits reduce and smell completely gone. The other interesting part is that, my foreskin is now steady on the glans also am able to retract quite comfortably. In the attached pic, prior to the infection my foreskin was like in image A and now it is in between image B and image C. I think that is good news.

More importantly I would like to know when can i have intercourse or also when can i masturbate?
phimosis-stretching-image01.png (26.42 KiB) Viewed 3900 times