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by Betteringmyself on Mon Feb 17, 2020 3:04 am


My snoring has become and issue. My GF says it is so loud. I get up and sleep on the couch. How can I beat this?

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by talkhealth on Thu Apr 16, 2020 3:17 pm

Re: Snorrng

Hi Betteringmyself,

We have noticed that you haven't received any replies yet to your question.

Have you seen our FREE sleep support programme which covers snoring? Please find link here:

Please find some info from the NHS on snoring here:

We urge you to see your GP if this continues.

Kind regards
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by MissCandyGirl on Tue Jun 02, 2020 1:12 pm

Re: Snorrng

To point out the obvious: snoring is a breathing issue. If you want to stop snoring, you need to be able to breathe properly and fully when in bed. This sounds nuts: why wouldn't you want to breathe properly in bed? Basically, you can buy breathing aids online for controlling the snoring. These aids work by allowing your nose to breathe in the air without being obstructed. That is why you're snoring: your airway is being obstructed when lying in bed.

If you've found this advice helpful, I'd love to know!

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