Allergy testing

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by AnnaB on Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:49 pm

Re: Allergy testing


Both my children have out grown the dairy and egg allergies by time started school so there is hope, don't assume always life long allergies. My sons last reactions trigger is unknown so at least your armed with knowlegde. My daughter had dairy allergy, the formula they offered was terrible but soya formula was better if not the doctors first choice. I was told to make formula into a sauce to go over everything and to fry as much as possible. I fried but I wanted veg to taste like veg so did not cover everything in sauce as felt that would lead to bigger eating issues later in life. Advaccado was the food of weight gain and hidden calcium, she loves it still. Anna
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Becky Dennis
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by Becky Dennis on Sun Sep 18, 2011 11:02 am

Re: Allergy testing

Thanks Anna. All really helpful stuff. I haven't tried avacado yet so will. x

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