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by harlowsmom on Tue May 25, 2010 7:17 pm

Need some help!

Hi I am new to the boards. I am very worried about my baby girl and hoping that someone has a similar situation. Sorry this is gonna be a long post just some background info. My daughter is 17 months. When she was born she was very allergic to soy so much so that our doctor sent us to a childrens hospital with her because the soy was causing blood in her stool scared us to death! After that she was put on Neocate formula. About a month ago my daughter had a staph infection on her thumb 2 days later she had a horrible red rash head to toe! It was miserable for her. Took her back to the doctor and he was convinced that it was a viral rash bloodwork showed it was nothing Viral. The rash persisted for 3 weeks the worst being under her eyes. Called the doctor again and the nurse was convinced it was Eczema so she prescribed Desonide about 3 days later it was gone! It stayed gone for about a week and a half and I wasn't using it as often. It showed up again yesterday took her back to the doctor and he said it didn't look like Eczema to him but took some blood to do a food allergy test. I don't have alot of confidence in him and have been asked to be referred to a derm. My question is her rash is red and pimply under her eyes,hands,feet.legs and some on her arm does anybody think it is eczema? Thanks for listening and any advice is greatly appreciated! Robyn

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by sf34_22 on Wed May 26, 2010 6:18 pm

Re: Need some help!


It could well be eczema as it takes so may different forms. The nurse seemed positive it was and no doubt she will see lots of eczema in children

Good luck with it and I hope you get some answers.

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by barlieroffey on Wed May 26, 2010 8:09 pm

Re: Need some help!


I have seen your message and hope that I can help.

Hi Louise

We use products from Forever Living. Forever Living is the world’s leading manufacturer of Aloe Vera based products. All of the products are 100% natural and organically made.

Aloe Vera is absolutely amazing for eczema and being 100% natural is so much better than chemicals, etc.

Forever are the only company that have bio-active or 'live' aloe in their products. Some of their products are used at Great Ormond Street Hospital. These are liquid soap, one of their amazing moisturisers and their aloe vera gelly.

We were introduced to Forever because of our son's chronic eczema, which is now non-existent because of these products. We were so impressed and passionate about these results that we joined the company as a distributor.

I hope that you find something suitable for your daughter. if you would like any more info then please reply or email me.


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by Treacle911 on Thu Jun 30, 2011 9:58 pm


My son is five and half months old, we had a very traumatic birth and nearly lost him. He suffers from serve eczema especially around his neck and constantly scratches there and his head. We are under a dermatologist who has prescribed so many different creams and steroids and also anti biotics as his skin was infected. The creams don't seem to make it any worse but don't help the itching which is so upsetting to watch. Josh currently has mitts on a night bur wakes up scratching so ends up sleeping in bed with me pinning his arms down which enables him to sleep. This is causing problems with my marriage as my husband feels left out and sleeps in the other room. Josh has had a basic allergy test and is milk intolerant, as am I, he is exclusively breast fed so he gas no contact with ant milk but yet the eczema is still there! Any advice before I end up getting divorced as it's really taking it's toll.

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by Pencoll on Fri Jul 01, 2011 8:37 am

Re: Help

Oh I no just how you feel. Have u tried the wet dusting and anti allergy bedding. Your getting stressed is also affecting him as he will pick up on that. I used Vaseline but also an anti itch cream, that does work. I would say that there could b more triggers here. Also ask the doc about some anti- histamine. Most of all cool clothing and bedding. But stay calm things do get better and the tiniest thing can trigger a flare up. Something as simple as your shampoo or lipstick even. I hope things improve for you all soon. Penny

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by yorkie2703 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 3:11 pm

Re: Help

Hi treacle911
My daughter is always worse at night, we give her pirton at night, can you ask your GP or Dermalogist for it.
Also what we found helped was eczema suits called dermasilk they also do gloves, socks , pants etc. See if your GP will prescribe.
I know it sounds strange but like penny said sometimes the child feels you stress and anxiety. (Try to relax a little bit easier said than done i know.)
I know how you fell my husband use to watch me get in such a state over the whole thing, I would spend hours researching and blaming myself.

By the time I finish cleaning, cooking, working full time, showers then creaming I would be and still am so tired I would go to bed no long after the kids.
Does you husband know how you feel?
My daughter is 4 and has only really started to sleep in her own room :roll: she is a great Contraception. Regardless of the Eczema lots of children like to sleep in mummy and daddy's bed as it's warmer,your little boy has been in your tummy for 8-9months you have a connection, he feels safe with your smell etc (I know research says you shouldn't)
Keep strong

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by Treacle911 on Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:03 pm

Re: Help

Thank you it's nice to hear I'm not going mad! Josh has piraton at night but the itching continues. Any advice on creams that might stop it or should I stop the creams all together? My husband works shifts and us hardly ever here so I'm doing it on my own, he knows I'm tired and upset but he's the same but we just can't seem to consol each other. I know me getting upset and stressed doesn't help him and I try not to let him see but it so hard sometimes when I feel so helpless and a failure as a mother because I can't help him.

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by Pencoll on Fri Jul 01, 2011 9:09 pm

Re: Help

Ask chemist about eurax, it works also as daft as it seems manuka honey that too works a dream. And it heals it at same time and stops infections.

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by AnnaB on Fri Jul 01, 2011 11:17 pm

Re: Help

Yes I totally get the marriage divide that eczema brings. But we are mums swomped just doing the best for our babies. It is draining. Have you had patch tests done or/and skin prick tests?? Both good to see if trigers can be found or if creams are causing it to worsen. Ask about wet wrapping, they can bring a lot of night comfort.
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by Jimbob on Sat Jul 02, 2011 10:26 am

Re: Help

It is so hard watching your baby suffer. We used to have to hold our sons arms and legs whilst he slept but even then he would be trying to scratch. We had James' he did not cause as much damage to his skin. James started biting himself to relief the itch. This was really hard because it meant we could not eve leave him for a second during the day or he would bite himself and this did far more damage very quickly than scratching did. He would also do this during the night when I fell asleep.

We found wet wraps really helped during the night. They were not a miracle cure but they did help.

It was also helpful to find James' food triggers. James had his first allergy test when he was 11 months old. It showed that James was allergic to dairy, egg, wheat, peanuts, nuts and oranges. James was put on neocate (dairy free formula) and we had to eliminate everything else from his diet. He did not have nuts or peanuts anyway so that bit was easy. This did help his eczema improve. The food allergies are not the cause of James' eczema but they do make it flare up and also make it impossible to treat.

James is now 6 and under a great specialist. This has made a huge difference. James does still get bad eczema flares but we deal with them better now. When James' eczema is really bad the specialist sees us every 4 weeks which is great. If we need any help before that we can ring him for advice.

How often do you see the dermatologist? Are you happy with him/her? If not request a referral to somebody else.

Hugs Kelly x

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