Milk Whey in Ecover
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- Posts: 63
- Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:00 am
Milk Whey in Ecover
Maybe you know this info already but thought i should share it.
my baby has a dairy allergy and i just noticed that Ecover washing up liquid contains Milk Whey. so there will be traces of the stuff on all the washing up. That i then ingest (i breast feed) and she will ingest from her cups and bowls etc. It may or may not have an impact on her skin i suppose. BUT I have now switched to Surecare washing up liquid which seems less harsh....
Anyone else noticed this or recommend anything else? I have gone detergent free with washing clothes with the eco balls
my baby has a dairy allergy and i just noticed that Ecover washing up liquid contains Milk Whey. so there will be traces of the stuff on all the washing up. That i then ingest (i breast feed) and she will ingest from her cups and bowls etc. It may or may not have an impact on her skin i suppose. BUT I have now switched to Surecare washing up liquid which seems less harsh....
Anyone else noticed this or recommend anything else? I have gone detergent free with washing clothes with the eco balls
Re: Milk Whey in Ecover
My daughter had a dairy allergy and was breast fed for 2 years, no one ever suggested I should alter my diet. Is this something you were advised by your doctor or what you have found helps for yourself?
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Re: Milk Whey in Ecover
I know many mums that have babies with a dairy allergy that were advised to eliminate dairy from their diet as the proteins pass through their milk to lo's. It is usually done under the supervision of a dietician but not always. I only wish this was the case when I breastfed my son as I was told at the time that what I was eating could not possibly be effecting his eczema, actually it wasn't until James was seen by a Consultant Paediatrician at our local hospital at 10 months that somebody finally agreed that he might have food allergies.
- Posts: 63
- Joined: Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:00 am
Re: Milk Whey in Ecover
Hi girls
Initially it was my gut feeling that the baby was allergic to dairy and other foods. As i would breast feed her i could see her skin flaring. So i took it upon myself to eliminate dairy from my diet. The dermatologist said it wouldn't make any difference and that the amount passing through the milk would be small if any at all....
Well i have now been off dairy for about 8 weeks and she looks like a completely different baby. Even the specialist was amazed!
I have also now cut dairy, eggs, nuts and sesame seeds out of her and my diet and her skin is so much better. I really do believe that my milk was contributing to her sore, red, cracked, weeping, rashy skin. i take calcium supps and fish oil tabs for me. I still breast feed. And i try and make her diet as varied as i possibly can. She is small.... but strong!
Initially it was my gut feeling that the baby was allergic to dairy and other foods. As i would breast feed her i could see her skin flaring. So i took it upon myself to eliminate dairy from my diet. The dermatologist said it wouldn't make any difference and that the amount passing through the milk would be small if any at all....
Well i have now been off dairy for about 8 weeks and she looks like a completely different baby. Even the specialist was amazed!
I have also now cut dairy, eggs, nuts and sesame seeds out of her and my diet and her skin is so much better. I really do believe that my milk was contributing to her sore, red, cracked, weeping, rashy skin. i take calcium supps and fish oil tabs for me. I still breast feed. And i try and make her diet as varied as i possibly can. She is small.... but strong!