I feel i have tried everything without success
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I feel i have tried everything without success
Hi.im new to this site.i am 24 yrs old and have suffered with eczema all my life.when i was younger i mainly had eczema on my hands,arms and legs.about 3 yrs ago i started getting very severe eczema on my face,neck and back and am in so much pain.i just cannot stop itching!!my confidence has been completely knocked.i struggle 2 look at myself in the mirror each morning and sometimes cannot face leaving the house.
I am constantly at the docs and dermotologists but seem to just go around in circles.im constantly on steroid creams and always moisturising yet my skin never seems 2 improve and is always embarassingly dry.i regularly have stints on antibiotics and oral steroids 2 calm flare ups and have been on the immuno suppressant cyclosporin as well as having light therapy.docs cannot suggest anymore steroid creams/ointments for me and i have lost faith in docs completely as they cannot seem to help me any further.
I am really struggling to cope and generally am an upbeat and happy person but lately i am crying alot and finding this emotionally draining.i am willing to try anything that could help and would really appreciate any suggestions anyone may have.i am considering a dairy free diet and it would be great to receive any advice on this.thank you for reading and merry christmas!! xx
I am constantly at the docs and dermotologists but seem to just go around in circles.im constantly on steroid creams and always moisturising yet my skin never seems 2 improve and is always embarassingly dry.i regularly have stints on antibiotics and oral steroids 2 calm flare ups and have been on the immuno suppressant cyclosporin as well as having light therapy.docs cannot suggest anymore steroid creams/ointments for me and i have lost faith in docs completely as they cannot seem to help me any further.
I am really struggling to cope and generally am an upbeat and happy person but lately i am crying alot and finding this emotionally draining.i am willing to try anything that could help and would really appreciate any suggestions anyone may have.i am considering a dairy free diet and it would be great to receive any advice on this.thank you for reading and merry christmas!! xx
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
Hi I also have just joined, I am looking for much the same advice as you.
I am fairly lucky because if I visit a traditional chinese herbalists, a mixture of herbs and pills from them stops m eczema in it's tracks. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but I thought I might suggest it. I know traditional doctors often dismiss it.
Hope you find something x
I am fairly lucky because if I visit a traditional chinese herbalists, a mixture of herbs and pills from them stops m eczema in it's tracks. I know it doesn't work for everyone, but I thought I might suggest it. I know traditional doctors often dismiss it.
Hope you find something x
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
Hi, try the dairy free diet but my daughter was allergic to dairy for the first 3 years of life and she still had terrible eczema. Everyone is different. You could ask for a dietician to work on a full ellimination diet with you.
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Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
I would give the dairy free diet a go, I had a dairy free diet when I was breast feeding my daughter who was allergic (even though the doctors and midwives told me it would make no difference). After 4 days her skin had improved and after 2 weeks her skin was wonderful. That was when she was 5/6 months old, now she is 2 and on a dairy free diet, she still has the eczema, but it is greatly improved and we use steroids a lot less often.
You get used to the soya milk, the alpro yoghurts are actually quite nice, the only thing I struggled with was cheese which I love...
I hope you have some success
I would give the dairy free diet a go, I had a dairy free diet when I was breast feeding my daughter who was allergic (even though the doctors and midwives told me it would make no difference). After 4 days her skin had improved and after 2 weeks her skin was wonderful. That was when she was 5/6 months old, now she is 2 and on a dairy free diet, she still has the eczema, but it is greatly improved and we use steroids a lot less often.
You get used to the soya milk, the alpro yoghurts are actually quite nice, the only thing I struggled with was cheese which I love...
I hope you have some success
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
What products do you use when you shower or bath, if I may ask? I've heard that soaking in baths is better for the skin, anyway.
I've posted my routine in the "Treatments" section of this forum. You might check it out if you have the time.
I've posted my routine in the "Treatments" section of this forum. You might check it out if you have the time.
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
hi my daughter whos 11 has the sam ezcema troubles - we have also tried everything that the hospital and GP suggest without success. We have tried dairy free diets to porridge oats in the bath . Sometimes it gets better a little , but then for no reason we can work out it just flares back up . Its very frustrating and she has had nasty remarks made in P.E as her body is covered in it . She is starting to get it on her face . Any advice or ideas would be much appreiciated.

- Posts: 5
- Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:34 am
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
My eczema is connected to allergies (had skin prick test when I was a child). Since then I have an elimination diet (main ones are milk & eggs). This works for me. I have eczema on and off over the years but can usually link it back to being triggered by an allergen. I haven't used a medicated cream for over 10 years. I stick with natural products free from parabens, sls, petrochemicals etc. I have many favourites but I would highly recommend Barefoot Botanicals SOS cream & Salcura & Pure Papaya (Paw Paw)Ointment. I have a blog where I review products I can use (just google or tweet Sugarpuffish). I am happy to offer support or advice, just contact me. Hope that helps?
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- Joined: Thu Jan 12, 2012 11:43 am
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
I've suffered from eczema well into my adult life. I finally stumbled upon an answer that improved it no-end. The little improvements I made throughout my life included dustmite bedding protection, eradicating wool, lowering the wheat and sugar content of my diet. But the biggest solution I found in my adult life was my iron consumption. I realised that my immune system was suppressed and therefore I apparently had inadequate iron consumption. So I started taking B12 and first started getting the injection as well as taking extra iron supplements and I swear within a week my skin had improved dramatically. Now I no longer have to take the supplements but just make sure I take Inner Health and eat lots of iron rich foods so my nutrition intake is on track. I no longer touch soy milk as soy is known to block iron consumption in some people - which was the case with me.
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
my daughter has atopic ezcema. The dermotoligist said they carnt test her as its inherited from me as i have asthma is this correct ? we tried the diet thing when she was younger e.g cutting our cows milk but nothing , wonder if it would be tryin again now shes 11 and its up and down - never completley dissapears just calms down then flares up
- Posts: 2
- Joined: Thu Jul 19, 2012 6:30 pm
Re: I feel i have tried everything without success
I have tried this new cream from NuGlow. It's a 100% natural Organic MSM based skin repair cream that combines MSM, Ayurvedic restorative herbs and vital nutrients with anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties.
Last edited by admin on Fri Aug 10, 2012 10:22 am, edited 1 time in total.
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