New to talkeczema but not to eczema!

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by Rosemary02 on Tue Sep 06, 2011 8:55 pm

New to talkeczema but not to eczema!

I'm Rosemary, just come to talkeczema as I'm part of trial at the moment to see if a water softener in the home helps with eczema.
Great to meet you all! I've been an eczema sufferer for nearly all of my 48 years. It started when my mum weaned me and quickly became "the worst infantile eczema the doctor had ever seen" so my dad tells me now. I was initially irritated by cows milk, later by refined sugar. I now avoid these plus wheat, dairy and alcohol and am at the moment experimenting with vegan diet although I do have a steak when I fancy one!!

In the 80's, I'd just qualified as a Registered Nurse and had to give up as, with MRSA, hepatitis and HIV the hospital wouldn't take the risk of employing someone with eczema on her hands. Devastated, I looked for a new career, went back to university for 4 years. When I graduated (with a degree in business studies!!), I took a massage course as a holiday and since then I've found my place in complementary medicine. The eczema has still guided my path though. I had to give up aromatherapy, then massage and now I practice reflexology and Bowen technique and coach. I feel it guides me to my life purpose by making me look for new directions constantly! I'm now back in the hospital where I did my nurse training, helping the stressed out staff relax! Life certainly goes full circle!

I've tried lots of therapies over the years and three years ago wrote my own ebook full of tips and discoveries. Around that time my sister died and as a result of the stress and grief, my eczema really blew up and has taken a long time to settle again. With a lot of trial and error, the help of a fantastic naturopath, homeopath and other people I've met on the way to give me the great skin I have now!! I feel amazing now and will be rewriting my book to reflect all my new discoveries. I took the book off the market as with bad skin myself, I just didn't feel I could be advising anyone else.

This year I've investigated several new ideas and as a result have almost totally given up using emollients, something I didn't think was possible for months ago. My skin has recovered and is a lot less irritated now and no longer begs to be moisturised. You can imagine after 35 years or so of daily emollients how stressful that was. I wouldn't recommend it but it's worked for me, with the support of a great friend who supplied me with some alternative products, held my hand and guided me. I now use an absolute minimum of anything, wash in Newgenn wash which is made of 99.8% water and antibacterial and antiviral and never irritates. My hands still tell me when I'm doing too much hands on therapy work but I know they will recover a lot more in the long run.

I look forward to learning more here and sharing too. I look forward to getting to know you!

Becky Dennis
Posts: 63
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by Becky Dennis on Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:18 pm

Re: New to talkeczema but not to eczema!

Hi Rosemary
I was really interested to read your welcome. Sounds like you're a really positive spirit. I hope your skin continues to get better and better.

Posts: 2
Joined: Tue Oct 28, 2008 11:47 pm

by Rosemary02 on Mon Sep 19, 2011 8:34 pm

Re: New to talkeczema but not to eczema!

Thanks Becky, Eczema has certainly been the biggest challenge of my life so far and a very consistent one!
What about you? I'm just off to read some of your posts. Looks as if you're very active on here.


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Joined: Fri Nov 25, 2011 12:50 pm

by HannahD on Fri Nov 25, 2011 1:31 pm

Re: New to talkeczema but not to eczema!

I was really intrigued reading your story particularly as I have hand ezcema and I want to work as a carer but feel held back from doing it as I know my condition could indeed get worse and I could even risk infections of myself or others.
I am still trying to find what suits me, what triggers it and how I can help it but i'm definitely convinced that conventional medicine will not be the answer as it does not address the route cause.
Can I ask about your diet in particular? I feel this might be a major point of contention for me as while i'm sure that some foods trigger my ezcema as well as stomach issues that I have i'm really reluctant to cut out certain foods. I just don't want to be limited. As I haven't always been sensitive I do think they may be intolerances rather than allergies but was wondering how you manage it? Also I don't know if you know but if I cut out some foods and I improved could I cheat occasionally... or best case scenario get back to eating a normal and full diet eventually?
I know no one size fits all or miracle cure is available (sadly) as i'm sure we all wish for one but wondered what your thoughts were.
Thank you, Hannah

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