Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

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by Khe on Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:22 pm

Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

Has anyone researched the link between Flouride in your toothpaste and eczema around the mouth?

From my research flouride can cause eczema in hyersensitive individuals, particularly around the mouth.

I am going to try Flouride-free toothpaste.

I would be Interested in hearing your comments/and what you know about this topic.


Becky Dennis
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by Becky Dennis on Fri Nov 18, 2011 3:37 pm

Re: Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

Interesting! I had been wondering if it was an irritant.
Although my baby has food allergies linked to the eczema she also has red patches on sides of mouth and it could be toothpaste. I might try kingfisher or maybe no toothpaste at all just brushing. She only has 6 teeth so i imagine just brushing with water should be ok. I'll let you know if i see any change with the break from toothpaste.
let me know how you get on

p.s when you do research fluoride it's pretty shocking how it can affect an individual.

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by iskunder on Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:02 pm

Re: Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

I have herd of toothpaste causing eczema. But that's about it. Havent herd much more... wish I could help. I just joined.

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by AnnaB on Fri Nov 18, 2011 11:46 pm

Re: Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

My son is having dental treatment under general anesthetic in hospital on Thursday. I have the dental hospital in direct contact with our dermatologist so I will keep you all posted of any strong opinions. Take serious advice before stopping flouride, you don't want dental issues as well.
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by Khe on Sun Nov 20, 2011 2:34 pm

Re: Eczema around mouth Flouride (toothpaste) related???

Thanks Anna! I look forward to hearing what your doctors/dentists have to say.

Flouride is another one of those very controversial topics, as you will see on this site: ... ontroversy

Interestingly enough, in my research I have come across loads of doctors making flouride-free toothpaste, all advertising something to the effect of "...natural toothpaste, without the harmful effects of flouride"

This is another interesting read: ... -free.html

I have just started using a herbal toothpaste with the following ingredients : Olive leaf, Aloe ferox bitters, Cloves, tea tree, mint, aniseed oil, calcium, magnesium, sea salt, zinc and baking soda.

I feel that those ingredients can only do my teeth and gums good! And my teeth feel tremendously clean. Now just holding thumbs that the eczema around my mouth clears up. Will keep you all posted.


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