Any parents with food allergic children in this forum?

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by Natkai2019 on Tue Sep 24, 2019 9:24 pm

Any parents with food allergic children in this forum?

Hi there,

I've just joined this forum hoping to find like-minded parents with food allergic children.

My toddler has multiple food allergies - ground and tree nuts, raw egg, fish, sesame and gluten. His diet is restrictive and it's difficult for me to offer him some variety and very often I end up cooking the same or a simple stew with meat, potatoes, carrots etc. As a result of this, his diet consists of about 45% of meat and chicken. Being pescatorian myself, it's tough for me to see him eating so much meat, but on the other hand, I'm glad that he has some foods he enjoys. Do you find it's too much meat for a 3 year old? Another question I have, are there any parents, who also struggling with meal variety and perhaps you have some tips for me? We also are going to the big school soon, so I wanted to be prepared as good as I can because I'll be providing his packed lunches. Luckily, I work from home and I have time for cooking!

Thank you!

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by talkhealth on Wed Sep 25, 2019 6:46 am

Re: Any parents with food allergic children in this forum?

Hi Natkai2019

Welcome to talkhealth and thank you for your first post.

We hope you find our website useful and that our world of wonderful members can provide you with useful information, guidance and advice. We've included a link for a past online clinic we ran on allergies which you may find helpful, you can have a look at some of the questions asked and answered here, ... s_2019.php. We will also be running another online clinic for allergies in February, you can find the link here so you can have a look and decide if it's something you might want to register for, ... s_2020.php

Kind regards
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