Bread factory headaches

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by kaithawk on Fri Nov 18, 2022 5:10 pm

Bread factory headaches

I just started a job in a factory where we make bread buns and tortillas. Whenever I walk into the plant, I get a headache. This is happening almost daily. I’m wondering if it may be an ingredient that I’m breathing in…? I’ve never noticed getting headaches or reactions from eating bread products. Not sure if it would affect me differently breathing something in? Anyone know what this might be?

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by advhccenter on Tue Dec 06, 2022 10:36 am

Re: Bread factory headaches

I think you should need to take some rest from the bread factory job as you see that seem to be you have foods allergy, that the reason of headache , so you need to get another job for you and leave this job as soon as possible ..

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