free hay fever cure

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john colwall
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by john colwall on Wed Apr 12, 2023 8:59 pm

free hay fever cure

I used to get hay fever every summer i needed nasal spray and tablets,very bad.
but i don't get it now,every season i have to eat virtually all organic food and my soap and deoderant spray has to contain no chemicals
i can get away with 2 evening meals with pesticide food in a week.
If i am in hay fever season i change my diet and the hay fever symptoms take up to 4 days to wear off.
the one year i changed my diet and still had hay fever because i didn't change my soap to non chemical.
Its a vegan diet with raw vegetables eg spinach or brocoli.
i notice that there are some foods that dont cause hay fever sunflower oil margerine,coconut,
one year i gave my pesticide red grapes a good clean but i still got hayfever symptoms.
Its worth a try and tels me its the pesticides and chemicals in soap that used to give me hayfever.I haven't had it for over 10 years
Hope this info helps.John.

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by advhccenter on Fri May 12, 2023 8:37 am

Re: free hay fever cure

But most people can relieve symptoms with treatment, at least to a certain extent. The most effective way to control hay fever would be to avoid exposure to pollen. However, it's very difficult to avoid pollen, particularly during the summer months.

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by sciencenotfiction on Mon May 29, 2023 11:20 pm

Re: free hay fever cure

Umm, that's pretty obviously not hay fever you have; that's food and chemical allergies. Congrats on finding out what you're really allergic to, though!

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by MissCandyGirl on Wed May 31, 2023 7:44 am

Re: free hay fever cure

I used to suffer terrible Hayfever back in the day: not so much now. But it was AWFUL. I wanted to enjoy my summer: but Hayfever had to ruin that time.

I seldom have Hayfever these days but I remember and feel sad.

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by advhccenter on Tue Jun 13, 2023 4:39 am

Re: free hay fever cure

Be that as it may, a great many people can ease side effects with treatment, basically somewhat. The best method for controlling roughage fever is stay away from openness to dust. Nonetheless, it's extremely challenging to keep away from dust, especially throughout the mid year months.

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by MissCandyGirl on Tue Jun 13, 2023 12:23 pm

Re: free hay fever cure

I actually have now been suffering from hayfever these past few weeks. My nose has been itchy. My eyes have been itchy. I have had to keep blowing my nose.

It is a shame that my hayfever has made a comeback. It is a nightmare and a curse and really ruins the summer months. Because summer is supposed to be about lying in the sun on the lawn, drinking a fizzy drink and dipping your feet into the pool. The lucky ones do this, while the hayfever sufferers are continually blowing their nose and have streaming eyes.

Also, medications don't always work. People DO take hayfever meds but in a too-small dose they don't work. Bad hayfever sufferers need the extra-strong allergy tablets. Plus, anti-allergy nose spray and eye drops for itchy eyes.

Basically, I have a lot of sympathy for the hayfever sufferers of the world.

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by advhccenter on Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:30 am

Re: free hay fever cure

There's right now no solution for roughage fever. Yet, a great many people can ease side effects with treatment, essentially somewhat. The best method for controlling roughage fever is keep away from openness to dust. In any case, it's truly challenging to stay away from dust, particularl

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by MissCandyGirl on Sun Jul 16, 2023 9:36 am

Re: free hay fever cure

advhccenter wrote:
Thu Jul 06, 2023 7:30 am
There's right now no solution for roughage fever. Yet, a great many people can ease side effects with treatment, essentially somewhat. The best method for controlling roughage fever is keep away from openness to dust. In any case, it's truly challenging to stay away from dust, particularl
If dust is a problem - you are allergic to it - then using anti-bacterial wipes on surfaces in the home will safely remove any dust and kill off bacteria, too. I do this myself: there is now very little dust and I haven't been blowing my nose and sneezing. It takes some effort but will reduce your allergies. Plus, your home will look better and feel better too.

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