Ear problems

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Dr James Thompson
Posts: 17
Joined: Fri Jan 11, 2013 1:58 pm

by Dr James Thompson on Fri May 17, 2013 4:57 pm

Re: Ear problems

Hi there,

Don't worry this is what the online clinics are for!

It sounds a lot like your daughter has blocked eustachian tube/s. The most common cause for this is mucous from sinus or nasal inflammation blocking the tubes, often following colds. The pain that she is likely to be experiencing is caused by tension on the ear drum when the pressure behind her ear drum changes. The pop that everyone experiences when their ears clear on a plane is the equalisation of that pressure difference that I've mentioned and normally comes with relief of the pain.

Are there any hearing problems? If there are there may be fluid behind the ear drums, which potentially might warrant an ear nose and throat opinion.

If not the key to treatment is trying to reduce that mucous/inflammation. This might improve with anti-histamines if there is an allergic component and perhaps your GP could try a nasal steroid to see if this settles the mucous/inflammation down, she may have to use it for a month or two to see resolution of symptoms.

Hope this helps!

Best wishes

Dr James Thompson
Dr James Thompson

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