Possible CMA... Help needed
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- Joined: Fri Apr 11, 2014 7:49 am
Possible CMA... Help needed
My 13mth old son has had chronic diarrhoea for 4 months now (since introduction of cows milk) and two weeks ago he suffered from a tummy bug which seems to have escalated what ever allergy/intollerence he has. My doctors are not being very helpful with this in my opinion. There doesn't seem to be any urgency. They haven't even weighed him!!! 72hrs After the sickness bug I gave him some cows milk and he was immediately violently sick & diarrhoea. I took him back to gp and they said no dairy now. I bought some soya milk and he drunk it fine but had diarrhoea 14times by 4pm. I took him to docs and they prescribed him SMA LF formula milk. The following morning he had his first hard stool of the year. I thought we had conquered it and he was lactose intolerence, however, that was the only hard stool. The next week he has been dairy free, barring the formula milk and he has done 2-4 diarrhoea's a day. Yesterday he was 100% dairy free, just had his SMA LF milk before bed and at 1am this morning he was throwing up. We have woken up to two diarrhoeas and I am now unsure what to give him. Do I try soya again? I've read it has similar proteins to that in cows milk so will still be bad for him. I feel so helpless & my lack of knowledge & guidance is really getting me down and quite frankly making me feel extremely tearful! HELP!
- Dr Adam Fox
- Posts: 72
- Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2011 12:04 am
Re: Possible CMA... Help needed
this could be a milk allergy although it would be unusual to get this so late on unless he has in fact been getting symtpoms to milk previously. May be worth a trial of calcium fortified oat milk in place of formula with milk and soy completely excluded (you are correct that soy can cross react with milk) . You really need to get the input of a dietician to do this properly. If this does the job you can then introduce soy then later milk to see if this brings the problem back and you will have your answer
this could be a milk allergy although it would be unusual to get this so late on unless he has in fact been getting symtpoms to milk previously. May be worth a trial of calcium fortified oat milk in place of formula with milk and soy completely excluded (you are correct that soy can cross react with milk) . You really need to get the input of a dietician to do this properly. If this does the job you can then introduce soy then later milk to see if this brings the problem back and you will have your answer
Dr Adam Fox
MA(Hons), MD, MSc, MB, BS, DCH, FRCPCH, FHEA, Dip Allergy
http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... am_fox.php
MA(Hons), MD, MSc, MB, BS, DCH, FRCPCH, FHEA, Dip Allergy
http://www.talkhealthpartnership.com/on ... am_fox.php