Severe OCD and anxiety issues

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by Guest Posts on Fri Jan 10, 2020 10:19 am

Severe OCD and anxiety issues

I already see my GP for severe OCD and anxiety and one of the physical effects is that I wash too much in hot water. Is this contributing to my awfully red, sore and sensitive facial skin, I think its rosacea too? Can I ask for help with this symptom alongside all the mental health treatments I am getting or waiting for? I just seem to have so much wrong with me but my face really upsets me and makes me feel ugly and more anxious?
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by talkhealth on Tue Jan 14, 2020 11:10 am

Re: Severe OCD and anxiety issues


Sorry to hear that there are a few things troubling you right now, hopefully we are going to be able to get you some advice. We have an upcoming sensitive skin clinic being run by the British Skin Foundation. Experts will be answering questions on Thursday 30th January but the clinic will be open from Monday 27th January for you to post your questions in advance. Please take a look here; ... kin_20.php

Hope this helps,


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