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Joined: Sun May 27, 2012 3:56 pm

by Tim on Sun May 27, 2012 4:19 pm

Good Afternoon

Hi to all
A quick intro... I am Tim, I am urinary incontinent and bowel incontinent and with a dose of Atopic Eczema just to keep me on my toes!
Most of the time I manage it all pretty well, Sheath cath/leg bag, pads etc for bladder and peristeen irrigation for bowels (only 10 days in to it) but very impressed
I am a Traffic Officer for the Highways Agency which I have been doing for over 7 years, a great role and using all the above allows me to be pretty active and live a very normal life style

This forum looks fantastic, I have had some previouse knowledge of other forums and they are really helpful way of patients picking up tips from others who might have already been there...I did the very same trying to find the right type of sheath catheter some while ago - great source of info, but also good if you need to "down load"

Anyway Hello to all!!