Best Healthy Aspirin For Heart Health?

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by Daniel8Daniel@AOL.Com on Thu May 12, 2022 2:06 am

Best Healthy Aspirin For Heart Health?

Hi. My doctor wants me to take baby aspirin daily for heart health. Is there a natural option or only big pharma options?

I heard sugar is an ingredient but I don’t see “sugar” when looking up the ingredients on product websites.

Thank you.

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by MissCandyGirl on Sun Jun 05, 2022 10:21 am

Re: Best Healthy Aspirin For Heart Health?

I can't confirm an answer to your question, Daniel8Daniel@AOL.Com, but I would stick with your doctor's prescription for baby aspirin. Your doctor knows what he/she is advising. You shouldn't need a natural option: as long as you don't abuse your medication you're not going to do your body unintentional harm.

Still - if you really would rather a natural option - I'd discuss it with your doctor first and foremost.

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by advhccenter on Wed Feb 08, 2023 10:06 am

Re: Best Healthy Aspirin For Heart Health?

can be effective at preventing heart attack or stroke. Health care providers usually prescribe a daily dose between 75 mg and 325 mg (a regular-strength tablet)

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