Blood in urine

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by Guest Posts on Mon Jun 19, 2017 10:50 am

Blood in urine

On behalf of Jane:
I have noticed over the last few months that every now and then I have what looks to be blood in my urine. It isn’t a lot and its absolutely not all the time – ie I can have a gap of a three weeks or so before it comes back. I have looked up the symptoms of bladder cancer but I don’t have any other symptoms and as I said it’s not much – what do you think it could be?

A friend of mine has just been diagnosed with bladder cancer and she said it was non-invasive. What does this exactly mean as I don’t like to ask her directly?
talkhealth team on behalf of a guest visitor

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Mr Sachin Malde
Posts: 43
Joined: Thu May 25, 2017 1:43 pm

by Mr Sachin Malde on Mon Jun 19, 2017 9:27 pm

Re: Blood in urine

Hi Jane

Blood in the urine can be due to lots of possible things inlcuding infection, but you should definitely see your GP and get referred to a urologist to make sure there's nothing else causing the bleeding. The tests you will need to undergo are simple and quick, and so you'll get an answer the same day in most cases.

Bladder cancers are one possible cause of blood in the urine, but there are many other possible causes too. Bladder tumours that are just on the lining of the bladder are called non-muscle-invasive, and the treatment recommendations are slightly different for non-muscle-invasive compared to muscle-invasive cancers.

It is important that you get this checked out to put your mind at rest.

Hope this helps!
Mr Sachin Malde
Consultant Urological Surgeon - BSc(Hons) MBBS MSc(Urol), FRCS(Urol) ... _malde.php

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