"I was diagnosed with IBS 19 years ago and have had no support from any healthcare professional in this time...they just didn't want to know. This course has taught me a lot about my condition (which is both C and D at times) and has given me pointers which have improved my life! I would recommend it to anyone who has IBS...even if you think you know most things about it (as I did) will get something out of it!" Emma (Sept 20)
A whopping 20% of Brits are thought to live with some form of Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS). Despite these huge numbers, we still don't really know what causes it. However, a lot of people swear by low-FODMAP eating and identifying certain edible and stress-related triggers.
Our 12-week myIBS support programme has been written by the leading medical experts from the County Durham and Darlington NHS Trust.
All content provided in the myIBS Support Programme has been written by both medical professionals and talkhealth, and has been certified by PIF as a Trusted Information Creator (sources of scientific evidence available on request). The programme does not constitute a replacement for professional medical advice. If you are concerned about any aspects of your health or wish to discuss something you have read within the support programme, you should make an appointment to see your doctor. Always seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands, or treatments.