Stopping my 40 year plus drink habit
I have for whatever reason but primarily my extrovert personality and the usual life events and circumstances - divorced, lonely, untimely death of 2 siblings money concerns, coupled with an international successful demanding career (which I love) binge drunk and at times been out of control. Last October 2013 I stopped my 40 year plus drink habit.
I acknowledge that I also had over the years had a hell of a lot of fun with alcohol but those days had gone. It was becoming a serious problem to me and I had been having a lot of internal battles with myself to try and control my intake. Naturally all these attempts like yo yo dieting failed and I wanted so badly to be in great shape mentally and physically in the years ahead. I had escaped many potential dangerous incidents by the skin of my teeth over the years and my mental health required a major overhaul.
Being a realist and never in denial about my unhealthy habit I sought independently and privately help and personal change through Sarah (my non-drinking therapist), only confiding in a couple of long term supportive friends.
I am grateful I was so lucky to have found help before outside forces gave me no choice but to seek help and that help may not have been appropriate for me. AA even though it is great for millions of people would not have been for me as I consider it an out dated model of treating alcohol problems. The labelling - I am an alcoholic, the religious element - even though this is denied and a life long commitment to reliving your past in a public arena would have been enough to drive me to drink!!!
My therapist's approach was so subtle showing great empathy in a lovely discreet environment. It felt just like having a heart to heart with a very dear friend. During the first few weeks of my treatment my feelings were very raw but the magical way that I never craved alcohol amazed me and continues to do so a year later. Things in my life that concern me are now dealt with a much calmer approach and the night terrors caused by alcohol induced insomnia have gone.
I don't want to sound arrogant but people including my children and their friends keep saying how well I look and my ex-husband wondered whether I had had any work done!!! (Cheeky so and so). What an added bonus!! My joy at being free of such a destructive way of life I am sure will never leave me along with my eternal gratitude towards Sarah.
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