Pilates for bladder health: Movement for strengthening and control

Lots of people forget that you have to treat the muscles you can't see with the same love and attention as the ones you can, particularly when it comes to your bladder. 

Many people experience bladder weakness throughout their lives, whether it's down to menopause, ageing, lifestyle changes or genes, however you can use pilates to strengthen your bladder and feel more in control. 

In this short video, our resident pilates expert Rachel Lawrence shares her top tips for maintaining your bladder control and overcoming embarrassment when it comes to strengthening muscles down below…

What is the science behind it? 

Those with overactive bladder tend to have a tight, high-toned pelvic floor whereas others with incontinence may have a weak pelvic floor. So, because pilates is all about engaging your core, it works wonders for maintaining a balanced pelvic floor. 

A pilot study into whether a 12-week pilates programme helped urinary incontinence found that the exercises did reduce leaking, and the effects were sustained for six months. 

Whether it’s bridges or pelvic tilts, simple pilates activities enable you to move your body comfortably, whilst also managing your chronic condition. The main thing you have to remember is to engage your core, otherwise the exercises simply won’t do their job.

Here are two online classes you can take for free if you want to try pilates for bladder health:

Chair Pilates for Pelvic Floor Health: In this short video, Rachel takes you through a special breathing technique to help you reconnect to your pelvic floor. This is an easy class for mothers and people experiencing the menopause, who might have lost confidence in their pelvic muscles. 

Pilates for Pelvic Floor Health: More comfortable with doing exercises on a mat, this 20-minute class takes you through the key exercises you need to master your pelvic floor muscles. 

Information contained in this Articles page has been written by talkhealth based on available medical evidence. The content however should never be considered a substitute for medical advice. You should always seek medical advice before changing your treatment routine. talkhealth does not endorse any specific products, brands or treatments.

Information written by the talkhealth team

Last revised: 18 July 2023
Next review: 18 July 2026